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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Dancing At The Habana Hilton - Mark Monte


Dancing At The Habana Hilton

Dancing At The Habana Hilton
With Mark Monte and The Continentals
Produced by Morty Palitz
Cover Design: Si Leichman
Jubilee Records JUBILEE 1072

From the back cover: The city of Havana is a harmonious blend of the old and new, of Spain and America. The capital of Cuba and also of the Province of Havana, Havana stands out on the North coast of the island, facing the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico, at the entrance of a magnificent harbor which is the main part of entry to the island. Two strongholds guard the entrance – famous Morro Castle to the left, and La Punta to the right.

Colonial Havana which is known to the local residents as "Habana Viejo" (Old Havana) is the section of the city originally founded by the Spanish colonizers four centuries ago, and it retains all of the charm and flavor of that age. In this part of the city are the old bastions, convents, fortresses, churches, the famed cathedral, squares, and sumptuous mansions of days gone by. Narrow, winging streets and quaint shops add to the atmosphere and charm of this fascinating section of the city.

Greater Havana is as cosmopolitan as any great city – the modern section with its wide avenues and thoroughfares has grown beside the old. Progress, which so often sacrifices beauty to expediency has here respected style and customs starting from the famous "Prado Boulevard" now "Pasco de Marti" and extending to the magnificent residential suburbs.

The city is a haven for the sports enthusiast with its famed Oriental Park for horse racing, Havana Greyhound Kennel Club renowned as a racing plant, popular Sports Palace boxing stadium on the Malecon in the Vedado section. Havana Country Club golf course, Ballas Havana and Vallas Nacional arenas for cockfighting, and Fronton Jai Alai and Fronton Habana Madrid jai alai courts. The coral reefs around Havana are favored among skin divers, and the annual St. Petersburg-Habana yacht race is one of the classics of the sailing world.

Towering above Havana and overlooking its famous harbor and historic Morro Castle is the exciting new Habana Hilton, a magnificent 30 story hotel and the largest and tallest building in Latin America. Although the Habana Hilton is ideally located in the center of Havana's most fashionable business area, it offers a luxurious resort setting to vacationers and businessmen alike including a large swimming pol and extensive landscaped outdoor areas for sunbathing and relaxing. The atmosphere of the old and the new Havana is reflected in the charming lobby fashioned after a Cuban courtyard with its fountains, plants and statuary. Luxurious and modern in architectural design, with its extensive open terraces, balconies, glass paneled walls, gay murals by Cuban artists, and typical landscaping, the Habana Hilton is one of the world's truly outstanding hotels. The fabulous Sugar Bar cocktail lounge on the roof provides the most spectacular panoramic view in Havana and the exotic Trader Vic's Restaurant, El Caribe Supper Club, Las Antilles Dining Room and the many other restaurants within the hotel offer a variety of the finest Cuban, American, and international cuisine and entertainment. Havana's nightclubs are varied and colorful as are its sidewalk cafes, and provide exciting and exotic entertainment.

The beautiful island of Cuba was discovered by Christopher Columbus on October 28, 1492, sixteen days after his famous landing in the "New World" at San Salvado. Amazed at its tropical beauty, he wrote in his diary: "This island is the most beautiful that human eyes have ever seen." The colonization of Cuba did not begin, however, until early 1510 when Diego de Velasquez proceeded to establish its towns. Baracoa was the first to be completed in 1512, and two year5s later Havana was founded by Panfilo Narvaez and Friar Bartolome de Casas, a few miles south of its present site. The town was moved to the coast and permanently settled in 1519. The first official Capital was Santiago de Cuba, but on March 8, 1556, Governor Diego de Mazariegos took up his residence in Havana where it has remained since. In 1589 Morro Castle was constructed at the entrance to Havana harbor to protect the city from English, French and Dutch pirates.

Cuba's Ten-Year War for liberty began on October 10, 1868, and after Spain failed to carry out the rights Cuba won, another full scale movement for independence stared on February 24, 1895. The struggle over, Spain gave up all its claims to Cuba on December 10, 1898, and on May 20, 1902, Cuba became an independent republic.

"The Pearl of the Antilles, Cuba is the largest island of the West Indies and has a population of 5,832,277. It is 730 miles long and its width averages 50 miles, ranging from a maximum of 160 miles to a minimum of about 22 miles. Since it independence Cuba has achieved great progress, especially in the economic field. It takes justifiable pride in it expanding cultural achievements, including five fine universities, three of them in Havana. In addition, the island's gay, colorful capital is the home of the Palace of Fine Arts and National Museum, Pro-Arte Musical Association, plus many theaters, monuments, beautiful gardens and center, where exhibitions, recitals and conferences take place. In addition to Havana, there is a rich heritage of the arts throughout the island.

Medley - Fast Rhumba
Mi Bugbane

Medley - Cha-Cha-Cha
Wham! (There I Go In Love Again)

Mambo - Coco Seco

Mambo - Mondongo

Medley - Bolero
Quiereme Mucho
What A Diff'rence A Day Made

Medley - Cha-Cha-Cha
Chi Chi Cha Cha Cha
Tremendo Cha Cha Cha

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