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Friday, February 26, 2010

Exotica - The Sounds Of Martin Denny

Lotus Land

The Sounds Of Martin Denny
Liberty LRP 3034 & LPR 3034 ("Spectra-Sonic-Sound" cover variation)

The early mono recording jacket (top image). The album proved so popular that Liberty brought Denny and his group back into the studio to re-record a stereo version of the set.

Autographed by Denny himself along with, Arthur Lyman (vibes), August Colon (bongoes) and John Kramer (bass).

Quiet Village
Return To Paradise
Hong Kong Blues
Busy Port
Lotus Land
Stone God
Jungle Flower
China Nights
Ami Wa Furi
Love Dance

Piano Magic - Eric Silver

Piano Magic

Piano Magic
Eric Silver
Allegro Royale 1535

April Showers
Mad About The Boy
Stairway To The Stars
Among My Souvenirs 
Stella By Starlight
Happy Talk
My Funny Valentine
Love For Sale
Touch Of Your Hend
Sophisticated Lady
Stormy Weather

Thursday, February 25, 2010

An Hour Of Hawaiian Melodies

An Hour Of Hawaiian Melodies

An Hour Of Hawaian Melodies
Plymouth Hawaiian Orchestra
Plymouth Merit P12-86 

Aloha No Au I Ko Maka
Ua Like No Ia Like
Beautiful Kahana
Eleu Mikimiki
Mi Nei
Na 'Lil

Passion In Paint - Henri Rene

Passion In Paint

Passion In Paint
Henri Rene and His Orchestra
RCA LPM-1033

From the back cover: Passion in paint, passion in music…how differently they are expressed, and yet how closely akin are they! Music has color and paintings have rhythm, and both convey to us beauty and emotion.

Here, as far as I know, is the first attempt to link popular paintings with what is usually called "popular" music. I am not sure I know precisely what popular music is: I am certain that these original rhapsodies by Henri René are music which everybody can enjoy, which everybody can understand and from which everybody can experience an emotional lift.

Henri René has, of course, not attempted any literal description of the paintings. That would be impossible in music. Ha has given us impressions. These very sensuous mood of Botticelli's The Birth of Venus to the famous and still controversial Duchamp Nude Descending the Stairs, a painting which no longer "describes" or"tells a story" but is all impression and emotion. What you have here, therefore, is amood music album with many moods.

Many of the paintings treated musically by René are familiar favorites. Several of them can be seen in our country. To see others you will have to travel as far as Florence, Madrid and Paris. To enjoy René's music you don't have to travel at all: you can "see" the paintings from your armchair.

This latest work of Henri René follows a series of highly successful albums composed, arranged and conducted by him in his own individual style. That style is Continental, which is quite natural considering that René has spent much of his life abroad. Among the albums which have become best sellers are Listen to Henri René and Music for Romance…

Here, then, is passion in paint translated into passion in music. Whatever you play the album one "painting" at a time or whatever you play the whole album together I think you are in for a new kind of enjoyment." – George R. Marek, Director of Artists and Repertoire

Nude Descending A Staircase
Gabrielle In An Open Blouse
Birth Of Venus
The Nude Maia
Girl Before Mirror
At The Moulin Rouge
Mona Lisa
Nude On A Cushion
Madame X
Persistence Of Memory

Tango - Pedro Garcia


Pedro Garcia and his Del Prado Orchestra
Music Of Argentina
Cover: Carol Lawrence & Tony Franco
Audio Fidelity AFLP 1838

Adios Pama Mia (Canaro-Mores)
El Africano
Ole Guapa (Malando)
Inspiracion (Baulos)
Derecho Viejo (Arolas)
Uno (Disepolo)
Grisel (Mores)
Tomo Y Obligo (Gardel)
La Cumparsita (Rodriguez)
Adios Argentina (Rodriguez)
Plegaria (Blanco)
A Media Luz (Lenzi-Donato)

Cha-Cha - Jose Madeina and his Orchestra

Let's Cha Cha Cha

Let's Cha Cha Cha
Jose Madeira and his Orchestra
Palace (Buckingham Records) PST 606

Cha Cha Ritmico
Dance Band Cha-Cha
Jose Madeira And His Orchestra
Palace M 631

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Maysa - The Sound Of Love

No Medio Da Noite
The Sound Of Love
Orchestra Conducted By Simonetti
Cover Design: Stephen Haas Studio
United Artists UAL 3034

From the back cover: Maysa, at present still unknown outside Brazil, is the most important popular singer in that country. She is a young woman, seemingly endowed with all the attributes, who has captured the imagination of the common people as well as the uncommon to the point of adulation.

Brazilian music has long been characterized by strong sentimentality full of sad tenderness, passion, and drama. Perhaps it can be said that these are national characteristics since much of Brazilian literature (those few book which we have been fortunate enough to have translated into English) is imbued with a poignant tender passion of "tristesse." In some of the titles of the songs on this album for instance, "Bob Die Tristeza" – "Good Morning Sadness" and "Felicidade Infeliz" – "Unhappy Happiness," the belief that in happiness, there are always elements of sadness. In the hands of fine creative talent, so tenuous a concept can be a thing of great beauty, but in the hands of a lesser artist it becomes banality.

Until the appearance of Maysa (pronounced Man-ee-za), Brazilian popular music did suffer unfortunately from rather banal interpretations. The public satisfied its thirst for color and imagination with music of foreign origin, such as boleros and the American blues form. Maysa, however, has changed much of this, since she has brought so much quality back to the essence of Brazilian singing.

A young woman of unusual beauty, very little is known of Maysa. Unlike its curious North American counterpart, the Brazilian public seems able to respect the wish for privacy of its star performers. It is known, however, that she is from a very well-to-do family in Rio, a "society girl" with a beautiful voice who had no need nor desire for a career. As Brazilian after Brazilian has summed it up for me, she sings for the love of singing. As a result, she has caught the imagination of the Brazilian public as well as its taste.

She is in no way, therefore, a truly professional singer and makes no attempt to be one. She started signing for her family and friends who encouraged her to sign for others. Much of her work now for example is for charities, although she has recently performed a great deal on Brazilian radio and television because of the demands of the public. – DeDe Daniels

Meu Mundo Caiu
No Meio Da Noite
Bronzes E Cristais
Por Causa De Voce
Bom Dia Tristeza
Felicidade Infeliz
Bouquet De Izabel
Mundo Novo
A Chuva Parou
Chminhos Cruzados
Sonho Feliz

Liberace and Paul Weston

Concertos For You

Concertos For You
Paul Weston and His Orchestra
Arrangements by Gordon Robinson
Columbia Masterworks ML 4764
Recorded in Hollywood, California, July 1953

Jacket signed and dated by Liberace - 1954.

Warsaw Concerto
Chopin's Fantasia
The Dream Of Olwen
Stella By Starlight
Grieg's Piano Concerto
Cornish Rhapsody
Spellbound Concerto
Rachmaninoff's Fantasia

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cocktails For Two - Louis Martinelli

Johnny Guitar

Cocktails For Two
Louis Martinelli And The Continentals
Photography: Frank Bez
Cover Design: Visual Communications
Crown Records CST 126 (pressed on deep red translucent vinyl)

Arrivederci Roma
Gamin De Paris
La Gondolier
La Mer
Histoire D' Un Amour
Around The World In 80 Days
Maria Dolores
Johnny Guitar
Goodbye To Libson

Morton Gould - Jungle Drums

Jungle Drums
Morton Gould and His Orchestra
Photo by Ben Rose
RCA Victor LM-1994 - 1956
RCA LSC-1994 1960 (stereo release)
RCA Victor LM-1994 - 1957

Jungle Drums

More Jungle Drums
Morton Gould
RCA Victor Red Seal LM-2768

From Billboard - September 22, 1956: High fidelity fans should welcome Morton Gould's new LP, spotlighting some effective hi-fi instrumental interpretations of such highly rhythmic selections as "Ritual Fire Dance," "Hawaiian War Chant," and "Caravan." Percussion instruments are featured thruout, and Gould's impressive arrangements consistently stress the beat. Interesting cover art should be a display plus.

Jungle Drums
La Comparsa
Malagueña - Arranged by Morton Gould
Danza Lucumi - Arranged by Gunther
Rhapsodia Negra - Laura Newell, Harp Soloist
HawaiianWar Chant (Noble and Leleiohaku)
Caravan (Ellington)
Ritual Fire Dance (Falla)
Tropical (Gould)
The Little Train Of The Caipira (Villa-Lobos)
Swamp Fire (Mooney)
Batuque (Fernandez)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Martin Denny - Enchanted Sea

The Enchanted Sea

The Exotic Sounds Of Martin Denny
The Enchanted Sea
Producer: Si Waronker
Cover Design: Pate/Francis
Photography: Garrett-Howard, Inc.
Liberty Records
LRP 3141 & LST 7141

From Billboard - January 18, 1960: Denny's latest LP should follow the hit sales path of his previous releases. The theme of the set, as the album title tune might imply, is a mixture of songs suggesting fantasy or the sea. Included in inventive and attractive instrumental settings (with many colorful ork effects) are "Beyond The Sea," "Baubles, Bangles and Beads" and "The Enchanted Sea." Sound and the attractive cover are assists.

Trade Winds
My Isle Of Golden Dreams
Song Of The Islands
Flotsam And Jetsam
Beyond The Sea (La Mer)
Off Shore
Sentimental Journey
Beyond The Reef
Baubles, Bangles And Beads
Cross Current
The Enchanted Sea