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Friday, May 28, 2010

Autumn '73

Saturday Night Is Alright For Figthing
Brother Louie
20 Hit Songs
Autumn '73
Recorded By The Sound Effects
QMO 118

Great budget record marketed to unwary buyers as "hit songs".

Thursday, May 27, 2010

AC DC Let There Be Rock

Let There Be Rock
Atco 36-151

I don't collect rock anymore, but one album I still own is this autographed copy of Let There Be Rock with Bon Scott's signature.

The history behind the LP and AC DC's appeal for me started before I got out of high school in 1975. I bought AC DC's first LP and remember reading a review of the work. The reviewer felt the work was "raw" and "primitive". The review wasn't positive. Remember, what most kids were listening to was a very refined or slick form of rock and roll coming from heavy weights like Peter Frampton or Queen. I knew, even then, that AC DC had something and that "raw" quality wasn't a bad thing.

I saw AC DC play The Agora Theatre in Columbus Ohio (a converted movie theatre located on High Street in the OSU campus entertainment area). They kicked ass.

The next time they came to town, I did not see the show, but I did go to a record store in town where they made an appearance and had this LP signed.

My memory is that the boys appeared to be a bit shy, a little befuddled and possibly high. But they were smiling and seemed to be enjoying the attention.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Mallet Magic - Harry Breuer And His Quintet

Maxixe Mambo

Mallet Magic
Harry Breuer and his Quintet
Volume 1
Audio Fidelity AFLP 1825 & AFSD 5825

From inside the AFSD 5825 "gatefold" cover: Harry Breuer is noted for his long and solid musical background that goes back to the early days of radio broadcasting and theater barnstorming. A native of Brooklyn, New York, he studied violin during the early years of his musical training. During his high school days he switched to xylophone and other percussion instruments in order to play in the school band. His professional career began when he became a xylophone soloist in motion pictures, vaudeville and on records.

Breuer made his radio debut in the early days of radio as a soloist with the A & P Gypsies, the Cliquot Club Eskimos and other polar groups of the day. He eventually had \his own program over radio, and at the time joined Roxy's Gang as soloist in the Roxy Theater in New York. He also appeared at the Radio City Music Hall. His credits in motion pictures include several short features produced by Warner Brothers, Educational Pictures and Sounds. For a time he was staff musician at the Warner Brothers studio under David Mendoza, at the Fox studios under Erno Rapee and later at the New York City studios of the National Broadcasting Company. During recent years he has been a featured player on many network radio and television programs. He is the author of numerous published solo works and study material for all mallet-played instruments. At present this appearances in crude films, radio, television, records and transcriptions.

From Billboard - July 1, 1957: A hi-fi adventure. The avid audiophile will find a lot to please his golden ears on this disk. Let him hear the gong at the end of "Chinese Doll" with its sustained shimmer. The crisp, bright sound of the Latin rhythm section in "Maxie Mambo" is equally exciting. Likewise, "Samba Macabre" in which the rhythm and xylophone are supported by some fascinating electric organ effects. But why pick out individual sections? The entire disk is a sonic delight.

Mosquitos' Parade March
Bumble Bee Bolero
Chinese Doll
Maxixe Mambo
Samba Macabre
Maple Leaf Jump
Tulip Polka
Glockenspiel Gavotte
La Rosita

Pavanne (Stereo)
Mallet Mischief
Harry Breuer and his Quintet V
Volumn 2
Photography: Bob Witt
Audio Fidelity AFLP 1882 & AFSD 5882

From November 24, 1958 Billboard: Breuer and his crew serve a listenable set of international favorites, done in attractive various tempos. His facility with percussion instruments is nicely demonstrated. Sound is excellent, and buys can also be lured from hi-fi bugs. Good potential.

Dainty Miss
Fiesta De Oro
Fiesta Waltz
Hora Staccato
Paloma Beguine
TV Funeral March
Down Home Rag
Minute Merengue
Tropicale Stephanie

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Latino - Don Swan

La Furiosa

Volume Two
Don Swan and His Orchestra
Producer: Felix Slatkin
Engineer: Eddie Brackett
Cover Design: Pate/Francis & Accocs.
Cover Photography: Garrett- Howard, Inc.
Liberty Records LRP 3161

Stompin' At The Savoy
Oh Señora
Bruca Manigua
Ole Matador
La Furiosa
Hooray For Hollywood
I Get Ideas
Tico Tico
Me Llamen Loco

Music Of Bali - The Gamelan Orchestra

Disk 1 (sides 1 & 2)

Disk 2 (sides 3 & 4)

Music Of Bali
The Gamelan Orchestra
From Pliatan, Indonesia
Directed by Anak Agung Gdé Mandera
Westminster International Series
XWN 2209 (2 record set)

From the insert: About The Author: Colin McPhee, composer and author of Hours In Bali (John Day, 1946), lived six years on the island studying Balinese culture and pursuing musical research. He has just completed an exhaustive study of Balinese music, to be published under the title, Music In Bali.

About The Performers: The small island of Bail boasts nearly seven thousand Gamelan orchestras, of which the group from the village of Pliatan is considered by the Balinese to be one of their best. This company has won many island-wide competitions, and was chosen to head the festivities in Jakarta, in Java, in celebration of the Indonesian Republic's original Independence Day in 1945. In 1952 the Pliatan Gamelan made its first appearance away from its island home with an American tour, the producer for which was John Coast, young British-born member of the Indonesian Foreign Office. The present recording was made during an actual performance in the Winter Garden Theatre in London during a recent British tour.

The Music Of Bali was recorded by the Argo Record, Co., Ltd., during actual performance at the Winter Garden Theatre in London, in association with Derrick de Marney for and in behalf of the Indonesian Government. The recording is processed according to the R.I.A.A. characteristic.

Side One

The Overture "Kapi Raja" (King Of The Apes)
Tumulilingan (Bumblebees) by Anak Agung Gdé Mandera
Kechak (Male Chorus)

Side Two


Side Three

Gambangan and Kebyar by Anak Agung Gdé Mandera

Side Four

Janger - Endé - Baris

Guess Who's Coming Home

Guess Who's Coming Home
Black Fighting Men Recorded Live In Vietnam
Black Fourm
1972 Motown Record

Great slice of raw war time anger on vinyl. Recordings of actual participants made over two years, 1967 and 69, by Wallace Terry and released in 1972. This recording reveals a side of the war that folks interested in the period might want to review to help form a more complete a picture of the war.