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Sunday, August 11, 2024

I Got Rhythm - Johnny Nash


Looking For A Girl

I Go Rhythm
Johnny Nash
Orchestra Conducted by Nick Perito
Arranged and Produced by Don Costa
Photo: Gerard Oppenheimer
ABC-Paramont ABCS 299

From the back cover: One of the nation's foremost record reviewers recently stated that, in this day and age of lesser-talent successes, it is a profound delight to hear the voice of Johnny Nash...

At the age of seventeen, Johnny has now achieved the remarkable record of succeeding in no less than three simultaneous tangents of show business: in television, as a regular member of the cast of The Arthur Godfrey Show; in motion pictures, as the featured star of the Hecht-Hill-Lancaster production, Take A Giant Step; and, of course, on records, with a long string of consistently fine performances.

The danger which any performer learns to fear in the entertainment business is to be "typed" – to be classified as a "one-role" star. While the classical quality of Johnny's voice has led to critical and public acclaim as "one of the greatest balladeers of our time," and "a voice of pure, golden mellowness," it would be folly to assume that Johnny is limited to ballads and the "slow beat." The youngster has loved singing all types of songs ever since he was old enough to walk, and still raises his voice in song wherever he happens to be, sometimes completely oblivious to his surroundings. At such times, one is apt to hear such extreme renditions of repertoire as Ave Maria and Eili, Eili to I Got Rhythm and Them There Eyes! To Johnny's way of thinking, a singer is a singer – and any performer of the vocal part should be prepared to render any and all types of material.

This is Johnny's third appearance in album form (Johnny Nash – ABC-244: The Quiet Hour – ABC-276) and the first two sets comprised sentimental and "ballady" tunes, 'tis true. The first album received tremendous acceptance, since it was "typical" Nash repertoire, to his fans' way of thinking. His second set, The Quiet Hour, was greeted with equal enthusiasm, and contained an inspirational group of sacred and secular songs, sung as only Johnny can sing them.

In this album, you will hear "the other side of Johnny Nash," it would seem, since it represents his demonstration of what is his latent talent. To those who know him well, the fact that this set is comprised of down-to-earth, real beat selections, his performances here will come as no great surprise.

On the other hand, if you haven't heard the wonderful opportunity to see and hear this handsome, charming and gentlemanly artist in person, you will be pleasantly astounded to learn that Johnny' Got Rhythm – with a capital Nash! – Natt Hale

I Got Rhythm
You're Driving Me Crazy
Jeepers Creepers
'S Wonderful
Baby, Won't You Please Come Home? (Arranged by Sy Oliver)
Looking For A Girl
And The Angels Sing
I'm Beginning To See The Light
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
It's All Right With Me
(You've Got) The Love I Love
Baby, Baby, Baby

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