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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Hair Goes Latin - Edmundo Ros


Hair Goes Latin
Edmundo Ros And His Orchestra
All Titles Are Written by Ragni; Rado and MacDermot
Producer: Raymond Richardson
Arranger: Roland Shaw
Engineer: Arthur Bannister
Front and Rear Photo: Photo Media, Ltd.
Design: Marvin Edson Associates
Phase 4 Stereo
London Records SP 44134

From the inside cover (gatefold): It was in 1961 that London Records broke the sonic barrier, as it were, and unveiled the marvel of "phase 4 stereo." A radically new and dramatic concept in the art of high fidelity reproduction, it combined the most attractive features of all the earlier stereo techniques, and added a good many others as well. It vividly expanded the scope and the spectrum of recorded sound; it permitted amazing flexibility in instrument placement; it introduced striking ideas in orchestration, especially designed to take advantage of the stereo medium. Perhaps the most remarkable innovation was London's custom-built 10-channel console mixer, which permitted a sense of motion and an uncanny illusion of spatial realism unapproached by conventional disc methods.

And, of course, behind the sounds came the music – exciting music by such established artists as Edmundo Pos, Stanley Black and Ted Heath. Brilliant newcomers like Ronnie Aldrich joined the performing roster, and the revolutionary techniques of phase 4 stere were displayed in such dazzling musical showcases as the now-famous "Pass in Review" album. Not surprisingly, the impact of the initial twelve releases in the phase 4 stereo series was tremendous. Ten of them immediately swirled up to the bestseller charts, and the critics seconded the public's enthusiasm with phrases like "awesome sonic experience" and "most exciting sound ever." "Comes close to black magic" raved a reviewer in High Fidelity Magazine, while Dorothy Kilgallen summed it up quite nicely when she wrote in her syndicated column; "phase 4 is the ultimate in stereo sound."

Good Morning Starshine
Ain't Got No
I Got Life
Where Do I Go?
Hara Krishna (Be In)
Easy To Be Hard
Manchester England
Frank Mills
Let The Sunshine In

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