Now Sound Orchestra
The Now Sound Orchestra Presents Music From
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind, Star Wars, 2001 A Space Odyssey
Peter Pan Records 8205
From the back cover: The 1970's have produced three of the biggest, most popular Science Fiction pictures of all time – 2001: Space Odyssey, Star Wars, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
And Peter Pan Records, through the brilliant sounds of the Now Sound Orchestra, has captured the thrills and excitement from these pictures in one album.
First there's 2001: A Space Odyssey, the story that puts today's man into tomorrow's spacecraft. Man has successfully manipulated his natural environment and conquered the unknown fears of inter- planetary travel. He prepares for what comes next, in the suspenseful year, 2001.
Then there's Star Wars, where Luke Skywalker, the 21-year old daredevil, challenges the storm troopers of a distant galaxy on a dangerous mission-only to find that the force of life becomes the power of death. Little did Luke know that trying to rescue the beautiful princess, who was held captive, would lead him to a desperate encounter on the enemy battle station known as Death Star. And speaking of Encounters, Close Encounters of the Third Kind could be the biggest, most exciting picture of all time! To all of humanity, Close Encounters meant the beginning of the most dramatic event in the history of the world – discovery that WE ARE NOT ALONE.
Enjoy the music! Roger E. Flax, Ph.D.
Theme from Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Theme from Star Wars - Part One
Theme from Star Wars - Part Two
Theme from - 2001 A Space Odyssey