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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Tijuana Jazz - Gary McFarland & Terry Clarke


Acapulco At Night

Tijuana Jazz
Gary McFarland & Co. with Terry Clarke
Produced by Bob Thiele
Cover and Liner Photos: Charles Stewart
Cover Design: Robert Flynn / Viceroy
Engineer: Frank Abbey
Liner Design: Joe Lebow
Clark Terry plays a Selmer Trumpet
Gary McFarland plays a Musser vibraphone and a Wurlitzer electric organ
Impulse! A-9104
A Product of ABC-Paramount Records, Inc.

South Of The Border
Acapulco At Night
Fantastic, That's You
Limehouse Blues
Granny's Samba
Soul Bird
Mexicali Rose
Ira Schwartz's Golden Dream
Mary Jane
Sweet Georgia Brown

Friday, February 28, 2025

In Person - Vince Guaraldi


Vince Guaraldi
"In Person"
Cover Photo: Jim Weckler
Cover Design: Balzer Shops
Type Set by Jim Melvin, Typographer
Fantasy Records 3352

Vince Guaraildi - Piano
Fred Marshall - Bass
Benny Velarde - Scratcher
Eddie Duran - Guitar
Colin Bailey - Drums

From the back cover: The president of Fantasy Records, who is standing over me with a gun (which he borrowed from his younger brother Max) as I write this, possesses a birth certificate which proves beyond question that his first name is actually Soul. Soul Weiss may go down in history as the true owner of "soul music", but for me he will always be known as the author of a way of life called "the art of getting there without actually going."

Others have known this as Serendipity, but to those who knew Soul Weiss as Sol Weiss, it was simply "Solsmanship."

Vince Guaraldi is a beautiful example of Solsmanship. He got on the hit charts with his original composition "Cast Your Fate to the Wind" (Fantasy LP 3337/8089) because he tried to make a good album of jazz impressions of the music from the Black Orpheus flick. "Cast Your Fate" was added, along with a couple of other tracks, to make enough music for an album. When the single record was issued, the A side, or the one every- one thought had the strongest potential, was "Samba de Orpheus." Just because a record has to have two sides, "Cast Your Fate" was put on the back. It was just the right length.


Aided by curiosity. Always somewhere there is a guy who doesn't do what you expect him to. In Sacramento there were two of them, Buck Herring and Tony Bill. They turned the 45 rpm disc over. Voila! "Cast Your Fate" got played, the winds blew back public reaction and the pot of gold turned out to be in the grooves of Vince's own tune.

By now, of course, Max Weiss, the gun-toting younger brother of Soul, remembers that, in his own words, "having perfect pitch and a perfect rhythmic balance" he helped Vince with his hit song and knew it to be a hit from the first bar.

I, myself, author of the liner notes to the Jazz Impressions of Black Orpheus LP, deliberately refrained from writing about "Cast Your Fate" in those notes because I knew it would be a hit and I didn't want to influence anybody. So now on this LP, I really can't write about ANY of the tunes. I don't want to jeopardize their hit possibilities.

The title "Vince Guaraldi In Person" indicates that something of the personality of this delightful Italian leprechaun comes through to you. I hope so. I have known Vince Guaraldi for a very long time now, through good times and bad. When he's been scuffling in a panic of non-employment and convinced the world was in a plot against him. When he was frantic with the first flush of the success of "Cast Your Fate" and convinced again that the world was in a plot to prevent him from enjoying it.
Throughout it all, Vince has had two great saving graces. He is a beautiful piano player and he has a marvelous sense of humor.

There are many things Vince has recorded which, for me, rank among the very best and most rewarding piano tracks in the great library of recorded jazz. "Thinking of You MJQ" with Cal Tjader "A Flower is a Lovesome Thing," "Since I Fell for You," "Cast Your Fate," and the Black Orpheus music and some of the tracks on this LP.

What Vince has got in his playing is feeling. This is a quality that money can't buy, practice cannot make perfect and technique tends to defear rather than enhance. Vince sings when he plays. I don't mean he grunts or hums or even makes a noise at all. I mean his fingers sing, the music sings, and he writhes and twists on the piano stool like a balancing act in the circus. But the music sings.

You look at his hands. Stubby, thick, tough, little mitts and you think of the cliche of artists' hands. Vince is always pulling splinters from his fingers, driven in when he claws at the wooden baseboard, behind the keys. His finger nails are perpetually split and ragged from hitting that wood.

He fingers all wrong when he makes runs and plays chords. All wrong, that is, from the standpoint of efficiency and "piano technique." But I've noticed over the years in jazz that almost all the good ones do it all wrong because it's the sound that matters-and the sound, with Vince, is beautiful and moving.

Vince sometimes refers to his songs as his dreams. He talks of the success of "Cast Your Fate" as similar to "building a rocket in your basement and catching your tie in it when it goes off." He says, "I didn't sell out, I bought in", and claims he never gets tired of playing "Cast Your Fate" several times a night because it's "Like signing your name to a check."

Vince has a serious streak, too, a natural corollary to his wit. Every album has been a challenge to him, he once said, and added that he looks forward, regardless of the success or lack of success of any individual effort, to "trying to be a good musician and making the best album I can" every time.

That's what you hear in Vince Guaraldi in person. He's in there, trying every minute.

It may be Serendipity or Solsmanship again, or it may not. But one thing it will be is honest. Because that's the only way Vince knows. – RALPH J. GLEASON

Zelao (Zell-ah-oh)
Green Dolphin Street
Forgive Me If I'm Late
Jitterbug Waltz
Outra Vez
The Love Of A Rose
Chora Tua Tristeza 

Tamboo! - Les Baxter



Les Baxter, His Chorus and Orchestra
Capitol Records T655

From the back cover: TAMBOO is the Haitian Creole word for drums... and to the ears of the outside world, TAMBOO seems the very keystone of native life everywhere. For all around the globe, drumbeats sound the provocative rhythms of dance, of ritual, even of communication. In the tropics, especially, drums set the tempo for exciting, colorful movement-and from the insistent, tantalizing percussive sounds of these exotic lands, Les Baxter has composed a thoroughly romantic album.

For Les Baxter really knows a thing or two about transporting people, musically, to far-off places. The spirit of the tropics, from Mozambique to Maracaibo, is in his music, with its array of unusual drums, mysterious bells, and strange wooden instruments-all enriched in his fanciful arrangements, with the lustrous sound of many strings. 

The final effect that he creates is more than simply African and Latin-American; it is grandiose, extravagant African and Latin-American. It is music for every romantic daydreamer, full of the rich lure of the tropics and its fascinating drum call – TAMBOO!

Oasis Of Dakhla

Jackie Gleason Presents That Moment



Jackie Gleason Presents 
Lush Musical Interludes For That Moment
Arranged by George Williams
Trumpet by Bobby Hackett
Produced by Dick Jones
Cover Art by Jackie Gleason
Capitol Records SW1147

Jackie Gleason has titled his original oil painting for the cover of this album "The Kiss." He says about its color scheme: "I chose the colors for their psychological value. Pastels are simpatico with music. The pick of the girl's face is the flush of love, and the blue of the boy's face is the azure of emotion."

The Sentimental Touch
The End Of A Great Affair
The Song Is You
Lilacs In The Rain
On The Sentimental Side
That's All
Why Was I Born?
You're My Thrill
I Thought About You
Oh! What It Seemed To Be
A Cottage For Sale

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Organ Fantasy - Byron Melcher


Call Me Bwana

Organ Fantasy
Featuring Byron Melcher 
On Teh Thomas Organ
United Artists UAL 3304

From the back cover: Over half of Byron Melcher's 34 years have been spent at organ keyboards. His career began at sixteen years of age with professional engagements in and around his home town of Omaha, Nebraska. During these early years he developed an exciting playing style that has since won his national renown.

Byron was quickly in demand for engagements at well known midwestern night clubs in addition to many radio and televi- sion appearances. He has also performed in a great number of recording dates.

During his two year Army tour of duty, his career continued. He was assigned to Special Services where he continued playing organ for servicemen.

Byron has appeared with such well known acts as Rubinoff, Little Jack Little and the Harmonicats during tours of the Mid- west. Byron has long been a favorite entertainer at Florida resort hotels and their guests have carried his praises home to all parts of the country.

The Thomas Symphony Organ, which he plays, is especially suited to his dynamic style. This remarkable instrument enables Byron's fingertips to draw from it the hundreds of different sounds and startling effects that make his concerts wonderfully exciting.

Never On A Sunday
Five Foot Two, Eyes Of Blue
I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles
Call Me Bwana
Care For Me
(Up) The Lazy River
Magnificent Seven
I Left My Heart In San Francisco 
Sweet Sue Just You
Happy Thieves Theme
Great Escape
Follow The Bouncing Ball
El Cumbanchero

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Motions & Emotions - Oscar Peterson


Eleanor Rigby

Motion & Emotions
Oscar Peterson
Arranged and Conducted by Claus Ogerman

From the inside cover: For some time now there have been recurring and mostly unnecessary- debates on the subject "jazz and pop". Sometimes it has appeared as if it were necessary to form opposing parties which would tear at each other passionately and polemically. Then the debate becomes not "jazz and pop", but "jazz or pop". And that's even worse.

Some extremists say: "Jazz is in danger of dying. Help it. It desperately needs a 'shot of pop'." The other side-which is called "purist" by its opponents, and which takes this thesis seriously, sometimes too seriously-fights back with: "What would today's pop music be without jazz, which is as living today as it's always been? Pop lives from jazz!"

We have here new recordings by the great Oscar Peterson which demonstrate with exceptional authority how superfluous and idiotic it is to draw musical boundaries and put up toll gates, and how unproblematical and self evident a healthy relationship between both forms of music is.

Everything that Oscar Peterson plays here-and has ever played-is jazz. And it has always been, in the best sense of the word, (pop)ular.

Therefore, one must welcome the opportunity of experiencing one of the greatest jazz pianists of our time-for many, THE greatest-improvising on pop and hit parade themes. Especially when the themes have been chosen for

their beauty and musical interest. That this is so, is proven by the names of the composers: Burt Bacharach, Henry Mancini, Antonio Carlos Jobim, John Lennon/Paul McCartney, Jim Webb, etc. For the most part the titles are what are now called "current standards".

Fifteen years ago, when rock-'n'-roll became THE thing, many lovers of melody and harmony thought this was the end of "evergreens". But now in the Sixties there are any number of "current standards" which are being used by jazzmen and show stars and which are the "evergreens" of tomorrow. The com- posers come from all branches of pop music: Jobim with bossa nova; beat from Lennon and McCartney; Mancini in Hollywood; and Bacharach and Webb. who write for recording stars. And then there are the stars themselves – Bobbie Gentry, for example-who write one or more beautiful things.

Their numbers were undoubtedly as exciting for Oscar as they were for the arranger and bandleader on this date. Claus Ogerman. Claus many years ago was a very promising jazz pianist in Munich; then he set sail "to conquer the New World" and study jazz at the roots. He is one of the few who has made his way "over there," if not in jazz, then through his conscious concentration on the pop field. However, it is to his credit that such important musicians as Stan Getz, Bill Evans, João Gilberto or Wes

Montgomery have found the way opened to a wider audience.

After hearing the arrangements on this record, one understands Claus' success in New York. The instrumentation is used sparingly, the basic tendency is impres- sionistic. One hears mainly strings, french horns, an alto flute. When brass is used, it is mostly muted.

We have become so used to Oscar Peterson's chamber music style-his rhythm group. Sam Jones on bass and Bobby Durham on drums, is on this record with him-that it's exciting to hear him once again with a large orchestra. Naturally, even in these surroundings he loses nothing of his inimitable way of playing.

"Motions and Emotions", the title of this new album, could be used for every- thing that Oscar plays. The lines move and are moving and the harmonic variations which "get under your skin" are in exciting contrast to and comple- ment Ogerman's arrangements, which are inspired by Oscar and inspire him.

I am sure that the new album is going to make a lot of people happy: Oscar Peterson fans, jazz fans in general, and anyone else who appreciates good music-whatever his age. – Wolfram Röhrig (translated by Clay Sherman)

Sally's Tomato
By The Time I Get To Phoenix
This Guy's In Love With You
Eleanor Rigby
Ode To Billy Joe

Forrest J. Ackerman Presents Music For Robots


Music For Robots

Forrest J. Ackerman Presents
Music For Robots
Created by Frank Coe
Recorded at Telesound Studios and Que Recorders, Hollywood, California
Engineers: Clarence Thompson, John Vincent, John Barber
Sound Effects & Percussion: Frank Coe
Robot montage on album cover courtesy of Republic Pictures, copyright 1954, from their production of Tobor The Great. 
Photo of Forrest J. Ackerman by Eph Konigsberg
Cover Designed by Frank Coe
An Ack-Coe Chamber Production
Science Fiction Records MFR-1001A

From the back cover: There is no truth to the rumor that this Album has been created for People with Tin Ears.

MUSIC FOR ROBOTS (incorporating The Tin Age Story by Forry Ackerman) has been hailed as "a listening experience for young & old alike." Weaver Wright says: "There has never been another album like MUSIC FOR ROBOTS." Spencer Strong echoes: "There is never likely to be."

MUSIC FOR ROBOTS is destined to become a unique Collector's Item.

Side 1 "The Tin Age Story"-18 of the most interesting, informative, astonishing & thrilling minutes on record, replete with sound effects & percussion, narrated & acted by Mr. Science Fiction himself. Forrest J. Ackerman, editor of FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND and SPACEMEN, relates to YOU the fantastic facts & fictions involving Rossum's Universal Robots, Edgar Allan Poe, Androids, Jules Verne-even Leonardo da Vinci! You will hear a robot speak ...a mechanical Frankenstein running amok... the clash & clang of a War of Automatons! You will board a Wellsian Time Machine and spiral thru space to the fabulous robotic world of 2050 AD!

Side 2 Hollywood sound experimenter Frank Coe has skill- fully created 15 of the most intriguing minutes of electronic music ever heard by human ears. Imaginative Music from the Future... Tone Tales from Tomorrow! You may recognize such robotic themes as "Tobor the Backward Robot," "Lever Come Back to Me," "The Transistor's Sister," "When Rossum Played Possum" and "The Anti-Rust Twist"-but don't depend on it. You can count on the most curious, stimulating quarter hour of electronic melodics ever assembled on vinyl!

Music For Every Mood - Harry Horlick


Music For Every Mood

Music For Every Mood
Harry Horlick and His Orchestra
Viennese Symphonic Orchestra
Plymouth Merit P12-73

Hora Staccato
Scene Tzigane
Sabre Dance
Songs My Mother Taught Me
Songs Of The Danube, Russian Dance
Dance Of The Maiden
Overture to "Barber Of Seville"
Largo from "NewWorld Symphony
March from "Le Coq D'or Suite"

Sigmund Romberg Melodies - Viennese Symphonic Orchestra


Sigmund Romberg Melodies

Sigmund Romberg Melodies
And Popular Waltz Favorites 
Viennese Symphonic Orchestra
Recorded in Europe 
Plymouth Merit Record Corporation P12-68

One Kiss
Softly As In The Morning Sunlight
Lover Come Back To Me
The Blue Danube
Tales Of The Vienna Woods
Morning Journals
Wine, Women And Song

One Hour Of Irish Folk Songs - The Viennese Symphonette


One Hour Of Irish Folk Songs

One Hour Of Irish Folk Songs
Irish Melodies
The Viennese Symphonette
Recorded in Europe
Plymouth Merit Record Corporation P12-70

It's Christmastime Again - Ruth Lyons


It's Christmastime Again

It's Christmastime Again
New... Ruth Lyons
Arrangements buy Cliff Lash and Teddy Rakel
Candee 50/60 - Cincinnati, Ohio

The Cliff Lass 50-50 Club Band
Cliff Lash - Piano
Jack Crowder - Sax and Clarinet
Cliff Juergens - Trumpet
Ed Die Bennett - Trombone
Bill Wibbeler - Sax
Barney Yelton - Bass
Bobby Keys - Guitar
Jack Volk - Drums
Bobby Baker - Xylophone
Ruth Lyons - Organ

Christmas Marching Song - Ruth And The Gang
This Is Christmas - Ruby Wright
Always At Christmastime - Bob Braun
Once Upon a Christmas Time - Ruby Wright
All Because It's Christmas - Bonnie Lou and Peter Grant
Hey Nonny Nonny - Ruth And The Gang
Christmas Lullaby - Marian Spelman
Everywhere The Bells Are Rising - Bonnie Lou
Christmas Is A Birthday Time - Ruby Wright
Have A Merry, Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas - The Gang

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Ali And His Gang vs. Mr. Tooth Decay


Ali And His Gang vs. Mr. Tooth Decay

Ali And His Gang vs. Mr. Tooth Decay
Muhammad Ali & His Gang
With Special Announcer: Howard Cosell
Volume 1
Starring: Frank Sinatra, Richie Havens, Jayne Kennedy, Ossie Davis, Arther Morrison
Produced by Arther Bernard Morrison
Music Arrangers: Stan Peahota & Michael Bitterman, James Bedford, Dick Lavsky
Story Written by Esther Taylor-Evans & A. B. Morrison
Ali's Historical Theme Song written by Arther Bernard Morrison
Art Direction & Artist: Ellen Fox
Graphics: Sharinn Sigman
Live Photograph by Victor Pope & Sonia Katchian
Recording Studios: Quad Teck (Hank Warring) Hollywood, California, Astro Sound Studio (Jim & Paul) Pottsville, Pennsylvania, Midnight Modulation, Saugerties, New York – Dick Lavsky's Music House International, New York City
1976 St. John's Fruit And Vegetable Co.