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Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Hero From Zero - John Dote

The Joke Is On You
A Hero From Zero
John Dote
Produced and Arranged by John Dote
Producer: Jim Corsetti
Cover Photo: Alan Blaustein
American Artist Records 80646

This is an amazing oddball record. First, John is still working. And during his career he has rubbed shoulders with a number of major stars including Michael Jackson. Apparently he helped Michael buy a Rolls for his Grandmother... who, in return for the favor, bitched about the color... so Michael and John drove the piece of crap gift back to the dealer to exchange it for a more appropriate color. Really... I'm not making this up.

And don't let the HORRENDOUS get up fool you. Dote was (is) a fan of Liberace and took wardrobe cues from him. In fact... it may be that one of the rings he is wearing on the album cover was given to him by Liberace.

Gotta love this guy.

Anyway... in addition to the great cover image and kick ass song... I found it interesting to note that NO WHERE on the LP is the song "Stakeout"... apparently the cover was printed and then the contents of the LP changed before the pressing (A recent comment suggests that Stakeout may have been John's band).

Also... Hero From Zero? Not the best title. In fact... why say that you were a ZERO at all? Why not title the LP: Love America?

Because... I'm thinking the BACK cover was suppose to be the front cover at some point... There is a song on the LP titled Love America... there is no other logical reason for this image. It is hard to see... but there is a guy wearing a Reagan mask in the back, on the right...

I really love those boots!

Keep You Satisfied
A Hero To Zero
The Joke Is On You
Woman Needs A Man
For Just A Moment
Love America 
Nearest Star


  1. The Joke is on Us? For buying this LP? The outfit is SO over the top that I can barely contain myself. The Mr T chains around his neck. The fur on the shoulders. The ski lodge boots. The leather laceup outfit WITH FRINGE) What a Patriot.

  2. Mabye Stakeout was the rest of the band. Kinda like when George Thorogood had The Delaware Destroyers. He's certainly one pimped out cat. lol I also noticed he's wearing his Paul Stanley chest hair starter kit. :-)

  3. Thank you althazarr1! I never thought of that!

  4. The guy is a legend in the record business. He was also the drummer from the hit t.v. series "Hawaii Five-0".

  5. Hey All,
    I saw this pimped out singer perform in front of 10,000 people at Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas. What a great entertainer. The women went wild. That may have been then, but check out JD now.

  6. I love it. This guy looks like a hunk and he can come to me on any night. Shake that body...

    Jalen from Beverly Hills, Ca.

  7. One of the greatest drummers I have ever heard.

    Laura Kerr

  8. What a great profile. This guy has done it all. What are these negative jealous people talking about. I would trade my shoes to walk in his fur boots anytime. I might like to jump in his sack too.

    Orlando, FL.

  9. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Love the music.

  10. Yo Whoa! I found this guy's interview with Michael Jackson on the CBS News.

    So alot of people laughed at Michael, Liberace and John Dote'. These guys have made millions...I wonder how much you have all made...Love the

    Cynthia McFadden
    Boston, Ma.

  11. What a sexy mannnnn!

    New Orleans

  12. I saw John Dote' at LAX in the 80's with Lucille Ball and Muhammad Ali. He was all decked out and he was being escorted by Ruth Pointer of The Pointer Sisters. He is a class act. I tried to get up close to him but his muscle chested body guard wouldn't let me near him.


  13. This comment thread is great! Thanks folks!

  14. What an amazing man and story.

  15. I find this man to be unique and certainly original. I remember seeing him on the front cover of USA TODAY. What a trip. I bought a copy to show to my wife.


  16. One of the kindest and funniest guy you'll ever meet.

    Canadice, Baltimore, MA.

  17. I saw John on television performing with Gary and Gloria Poole who were The American Band Stand Dance Champions back in the 80's. They all appeared on many bay area t.v. stations. He is quite an act.


  18. full album download link? I can't find this anywhere else! :-( please...and thanks!

    1. Because John is alive and kicking, has probably seen my post and been a good sport about it, I refrain from posting the entire LP. Also, for the most part, I only post a sample from any album I blog... this drives some people crazy... but there are a number of reasons that I don't upload entire albums.

  19. I heard that John Dote' is going to play drums behind The Beach Boys. Is this true?

  20. Here are more articles about the man, the myth, the legend!!!

    This is great stuff...Enjoy!

    By getakickoutadis

  21. OMG! John produced the music for Thia Megia of American Idol. great stuff and keep those "boots ah walkin". OMG!


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