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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Sealed With A Kiss - Brian Hyland


Walk A Lonely Mile

Sealed With A Kiss
Brian Hyland
Arranged and Conducted by Stan Applebaum
Recording Supervison: Gary Geld, Peter Udell
Recording Engineer: William Stoddard
Cover Design: Are Productions
Liner Design: Joe Lebow
Cover Photo: Maurice Seymour
Portions of this album were previously included in ABC-400
ABC-Paramount ABC-431

From the back cover: This album is a musical portrait of a young man who has grown up in the nation's phonographs. His name is Brian Hyland. Like many other young singers, Brian first rode to fame on the popularity crest of novelty songs – but unlike others, he has outgrown novelty tunes and has become a versatile entertainer, performing material which is both lyrically and musically mature.

Brian is not only a favorite in the United States. His international popularity has carried him on tours of Japan and Puerto Rico; plans are being completed for a tour of England and Germany. His records have become top hits in many other countries including Ireland, Israel, Norway, Sweden, Canada and South America.

Each new Hyland record piles up greater success for Brian, beginning with his first single for ABC-Paramount, Let Me Belong To You. Each succeeding record climbs higher on the popularity charts – Ginny Come Lately – and, at the top of the list, Sealed With A Kiss, which prompted this album. These three Hyland hits are included here.

This package presents Brian singing two types of material – a collection of top hits which will no doubt become tomorrow's standards – and songs which have been associated with Brian.

Still living with his family, Brian plans a college education for himself and schooling for his sister and three younger brothers. He's a sports fan and participates in baseball, football, swimming, fishing and bowling. He's a great fan of country music and likes to accompany himself on the guitar. His second most-prized honor (the first is his gold record for Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka-Dot Bikini) is the award of Most Popular Boy at his local YMCA.

Some Hyland highlights are: 5'91/2"; 145 lbs.; blond hair; blue eyes; born November 12; likes traveling, sweaters and shirts; and most of all, singing and performing.

Brian is the stuff stars are made of – and he is exactly that! He has bypassed the pitfall of obscurity into which many novelty singers have fallen, and he has stepped on the escalator of full-fledged stardom – headed straight up!

Listen now to twelve songs by Brian Hyland wrapped up in talent, and Sealed With A Kiss. – Rick Ward

From Billboard - April 25, 1962: Brian Hyland is about as hot as an artist can be right now, with the single "Sealed With A Kiss" riding the top of the charts. Here's the same single, along with the flip of that disk "Summer Job," another recent entry. "Ginnie Come Lately," and a flock of others, all showcasing the singer in admirable style. To add to the teen appeal of the set, there's a handsome color shot of Hyland on the cover.

Bye Bye Love
Let Me Belong To You
The Night  I Cried
Are You Lonesome Tonight
I Should Be Gettin' Better
Ginny Come Lately
Love Me Tender
Sealed With A Kiss
It Ain't That Way At All
Summer Job
I'll Never Stop Wanting You
Walk A Lonely Mile

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