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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Adventures In Time - Stan Kenton



From The Creative World Of
Stan Kenton
Adventures In Time
A Concerto For Orchestra
Arranged by Johnny Richards
Produced by Lee Gillette
Engineer: Carson Taylor
Capitol Records ST 1844

Playboy Magazine "Jazz Leader Of The Year" (orange cover violator) is an applied sticker.

Gabe Baltazar (lead)
Don Menza, tenor
Ray Florian, tenor
Allan Beutler, baritone
Joel Kaye, bass

Dalton Smith (lead)
Gary Slavo
Bob Behrendt
Marv Stamm
Kieth La Motte

Bob Fitzpatrick (lead)
Neweel (Bud) Parker
Tom Ringo

Ray Starling (lead)
Dwight Carver
Joe Burnett
Lou Gasca

Bass Trombone
Jim Amlotte

Bucky Calabrese

Dave Wheeler

Dee Barton

Utility Percussion
Steve Dweck

From the back cover: Since long before Stan Kenton undertook his present "Adventures In" series of albums, from the earliest Kenton days in fact, Stan's music has always been characterized by trailblazing adventurousness and creativity. A Kenton history is a history of modern musical research, innovation and discovery, and it is studded with the names of brilliant creative talents who have joined him, learned from him, and made their own striking new contributions to music along the way.

In this album Stan introduces a sinewy new work for orchestra commissioned from a longtime associate, distinguished jazz composer-arranger Johnny Richards. "Adventures In Time, a Concerto For Orchestra" is a synthesis of eight original compositions by Richards that utilize the full resources of the Kenton musical organization. With this work Richards once again demonstrates his flair for creating exciting and ingeniously constructed rhythm patterns – the same great gift that helps make "Kenton's West Side Story" a sensational bestseller and winner of the National Academy Of Recording Arts And Sciences award in 1962. Here he employs unusual time signatures in a startling work that forcefully reaffirms the towering importance of the Kenton Orchestra as a seeker of new and challenging musical horizons.

3 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 72
March To Polaris
Septum From Antares
Artemis And Apollo

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