Sunday, February 4, 2024

Lionel At Malibu Beach - Lionel Hampton


Stellar P.M.

Lionel At Malibu Beach
The Fabulous Vibes Of Lionel Hampton
Parade Records SP 377

From the back cover: Lionel Hampton was the first musician to make the percussive effects of the xylophone important to the jazz band. With the coming of electronic instruments, amplifiers and reverberating chambers, to existing instruments such as the guitar, and the xylophone and marimba, orchestral arrangements took on exciting new directions.

Lionel Hampton's arrangements in themselves arouse the rhythmic sensibilities of the listener, but when one is privileges to witness the enthusiasm with which he attacks the vibraphones (for by such name has the original xylophone evolved) or the 'vibes', there are no words to describe the virtual frenzy to which his audience is aroused.

While playing the Capitol Theater on Broadway with his own augmented orchestra, Lionel Hampton on the 'vibes' literally shook the balcony. we know that the rhythms and techniques of Lionel Hampton on the 'vibed' as transcribed on this exciting album will quite probably 'shake' you too.

This album was actually recorded on location at Malibu Beach in California and has all the thrill and excitement that only a purely spontaneous performance can contain.

Flying Home
June Moon
Stellar P.M.
Out Of Gas
Short Of Breath

1 comment:

  1. I have this album, definitely a good budget jazz record for sure!


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