Sunday, February 4, 2024

Organistics - The Jackie Davis Trio


Aggravatin' Situation

The Kapp Jazz Gallery Presents
The Jackie Davis Trio
KAPP Records KL-1030

From the back cover: With the advent of High Fidelity Recording, many famous organ works have been recorded which might have remained in the files of music libraries throughout the world. In addition, organ music has been the driving sound at skating rings and at famous movie theaters during intermission such as Radio City Music Hall. The organ has never been thought of as a jazz instrument because of its so-called inability to swing. Never, that is, until Jackie Davis began touring the country with his Hammond.

A child prodigy from Jacksonville, Florida, Jackie made his debut playing piano at the age of eight, and by the time he was ten was being heard on a local radio station often accompanying another famous Floridian, Billy Daniels (see Kapp album KL-1004). "Insufficient funds" is a term backers and college registrars use, and these words were written on Jackie's college application form. Aroused by local pride for their native son, the people of Jacksonville passed the hat and soon Jackie was attending Florida A&M where he wrote many of the school's musical shows. In 1951, after college and a year in the army, he made the change from the piano to the organ and has been playing the Hammond ever since.

Jackie's refreshingly new approach to the instrument is so different that sometimes it is hard to believe you are listening to an organ. The brilliant musicianship which affects the wonderful changes in color and dynamics, whether it be a pretty ballad or something bright, creates the impression that you are listening to a band.

Included in this album are several sides which feature Jackie as a vocalist, but never detract from this title "King Of The Hammond."

Oh You Crazy Moon
Did I Remember
My Romance
Autumn In New York
I Dream Of You
Aggravatin' Situation
They Can't Take That Away From Me
There's A Lull In My Life
I Concentrate On You
I Let A Song Go Out Of My Heart
The Christmas Song (Merry Christmas To You)
Better Luck Next Time

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