Sunday, February 4, 2024

A Yank In Europe - Ted Heath


Visibility Limited English Channel

A Yank In Europe 
Ted Heath and His Music
London Records LL 1676

From the back cover: Raymond Scott, the famous composer and conductor, walked into my office in Albemarle Street, London one day in October 1956 and announced quite casually that he had twelve original compositions which he considered suitable for my band.

I had always been a great admirer of the music of Raymond Scott dating back to "Twilight In Turkey", 18th Century Drawing Room", "Toy Trumpet" and numerous other works that were considered "progressive" at that time. So it was with great interest that I looked at these new compositions. They have intriguing titles such as "Lady On The Riviera," "Garden In Versailles", "Supper At The Savoy", ten. I had a long session with Johnny Keating, my staff manager, and finally decided that all twelve compositions had great possibilities and also offered plenty of scope for novel orchestrations. We recorded them in London just prior to embarking on our second U.S. tour in 1957. I am very happy with the results and feel that these compositions will become standards, especially "Garden In Versailles" with its two generations of music and the use of the harpsichord and a "boppish" treatment of the them. Also outstanding are "Lady On The Riviera" and "Opening Chorus At The Follies Bergere".

I would like to express my thanks to Raymond Scott for introducing these works to me. Also to my arranger John Keating who, I think, completely captured Raymond Scott's mood. My musicians performed all these pieces with much care and attention and consequently received a lot of personal satisfaction out of them.

May I add in closing that I contributed the title of the album "A Yank In Europe". – Ted Heath

Lady On The Riviera
Garden In Versailles
Nightfall In Venice
Supper At The Savoy
Visibility Limited English Chanel
Palma Majorica
Talking Turkey
Night Club In Sorrento
Opening Chorus – Follies Bergere
Train Ride In The Alps
Blue Grotto IN Capri
London Airport

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