Saturday, March 23, 2024

The Silken Thread - Los Pekenikes


The Silken Thread

The Silken Thread
(Hilo De Seda)
Los Pekenikes
Produced by Hispavox
Recorded in Spain
UA Latino L 31003

Alfonso - Sax, lead singer and prime composer of the group. An elegant dresser, he is considered the soul of Los Pekenikes. Optimistic, happy and also nervous, he studies medicine.

Ignacio - Bass guitar, organ and piano. Quiet, easy-going and very popular. He sports a thick beard, is an avid jazz buff, and studies Physical Sciences.

Jorge - Like all drummers, he is slightly eccentric. He adores old cars and motorcycle racing. Studies Economic Sciences. Is always in a cheery mood and steers away from serious people.

Lucas - Lead guitarist. A keen student in Engineering. One of the most promising automobile racers in Spain. A very serious chap who is learning to master the classical guitar and who also dabbles in Economics.

Tony - Rhythm guitar. Studies architecture and collects records. He is the most aware of the group about hit songs throughout the world. Loves painting and has a house full of his own works.

From the back cover: Los Pekenikes, who have had their recordings released in some twenty-five different countries are the first pop Spanish group to create an international impact. The United States, Mexico, England, Japan, and Portugal are among the nations that have responded enthusiastically to this handsome and talented young fivesome.

Los Pekenikes, have been in existence for eight year, and during this time they have been leaders of the contemporary music forces in Spain. They have remained at the top because they have been enterprising pioneers and have initiated many new ideas. Most of the time they have written their own tunes, and their list of hits is indeed a long and impressive one. They have, of course, performed throughout Spain and have also appeared on the main television programs there, and have also made three films.

Hilo De Seda (The Silken Thread)
Viaje Nocturno (Trip By Night)
La Vieja Fuente (The Old Fountain)
Sombras Y Rejas (Shadows And Railings)
Troncos Huecos (Hollow Tree Trunks)
Trapos Viejos "Old Rags"
Lady Pepa (Lady Josephine)
No Puedo Sentarme (I Can't Sit Down)
Romance Anonimo (An Anonymous Romance)
Frente A Palacio (Before The Palace)
Ritmo De Concierto (Concerto Rhythm)
Arena Caliente (Warm Sand)

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