Friday, March 22, 2024

The Nude Paper Sermon - Eric Salzman


The Nude Paper Sermon

The Nude Paper Sermon
Eric Salzman
Tapes Fro Actor, Renaissance Consort, Chorus, and Electronics
Stacy Keach, actor
The Nonesuch Consort
Members of the New York Motet Singers (Joseph Hansen - Director)
Joshua Rifkin - Conductor
Art Direction: William S. Harvey
Illustration: Bill Longcore
Design: Robert L. Heimall
Cover Concept: Hess and/or Intuit
Coordinator: Teresa Sterne
Electronic sounds realized at the Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center, New York
Special Assistance: Steven Pepper
Produced and Recorded by Peter K. Siegel
Editing & Mixing: Joshua Rifkin, Eric Salzman, Peter K. Siegal
A Dolby-system recording
Recorded at Elektra Sound Recorders, New York - A& R Recording, New York
Nonesuch Records H-71231

The Nonesuch Consort
Diana Tramontini - Soprano
William Zhukov - Counter-Tenor
Alan Titus - Baritone
Kenneth Wollitz - Winds
Lucy Cross - Lute
Richard Taruskin - Viola Da Gamba
Steven Pepper - Portative Organ

From the back cover: Eric Salzman's work include Verses and Cantos, The Peloponnesian War (dance/theater collage with Daniel Nagrin), Feedback (with visuals by Stan Vanderbeek), Foxes and Hedgehogs, and In Praise of the Owl and the Cuckoo; he has also composed the score for Can Man Survive?, a mixed-media environmental exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. In the summer of 1969, he toured South America, giving performances, seminars, and lecture. Educated at Princeton and Columbia and in Europe, he has been a critic with the New York Times and Herald Tribune, and is currently a critic for Stereo Review and music director of WBAI-FM in New York. He is the author of a book on 20-century music and numerous articles that have appeared in this country and abroad.

Stacy Keach played the title role in MacBird!, Falstaff and Peer Gynt with the New York Shakespeare Festival, Coriolanus with the Yale Repertory Theater, Edmund in King Lear at the Lincoln Center Repertory Theater, and the drifter in the film The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. He has studied at the University of California Berkeley and the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art; he has also been assistant professor of acting at Yale Repertory Theater. In the 1969-70 season, he stars in the film End Of The Road and, on Broadway, in Arthur Kopit's Indians.

Joshua Rifkin studied at the Juilliard School of Music, New York and Princeton, Universities, and in Germany. His music has been performed in America and Europe; he has also written arrangements for singers Judy Collins and Tom Paxton. As musical supervisor of Nonesuch Records, he founded the Nonesuch Consort in 1968; although the major activity of the group is the exploration of early music, contemporary works also play a significant role in their repertoire.

Eric Salzman (b. 1933): The Nude Paper Sermon (1968-69)
Tropes for Actor, Renaissance Consort, Chorus and Electronics
Texts from John Ashbery, Three Madrigals; Steve Wade, The Nude Paper Sermon

Side One
A babble; a madrigal with electronic graffiti – 
The sermon begins; soprano solos; with chorus
(the "10 qualities" a bodily, sexual, ritual, sub-verbal, etc.)
– an instrumental canzona – another madrigal –
solos for wind instruments
(racket; brass & tenor dulcian;
bass, tenor & alto recorder;
gemshorn; soprano, alto & brass krummhorn;
kortholt; shawm; rauschpfeife),
with chorus; climax, coda

Side Two
Monologues, fragments, "ruins" – a choral madrigal -
solos fro counter-tenor; duet for soprano and
counter-tenor; with chorus, plus gamba & lute –
lute solos with accompaniment; OM; shout,
babble, bells; survival sound; wind, birds, stars

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