Sunday, January 22, 2023

Last Night When We Were Young - Cal Tjader


For All We Know

Last Night When We Were Young
Cal Tjader With Strings
Arranged by Frank Strazeri
Produced by Frank Strazzeri and Cal Tjader
Engineer: Jim Stern
Recorded at Fantasy Studios, Berkeley - September 1974 and Village Recorders, Los Angeles, May 1975
Mastering: David Turner - Fantasy Studios, Berkeley
Art Direction: Phil Carroll
Cover Photo: Nick Saxton
Liner Photo: Phil Bray
Fantasy F-9482

Cal Tjader - Vibes
Frank Strazzeri - Electric and Acoustic Piano
Eddie Duran - Guitar
Harvey Newmark - Bass
Dick Berk - Drums

Bobby Bruce, Robert Jung, George Poole, John Santulis - Violins
Alexander Nieman, Marilyn Baker - Violas
Nathan Gershman - Cello

From the back cover: The ballad is an integral part ofd the music of Cal Tjader. He has often noted to me a strong urge to re-express his predilection for lovely melodies, but it has been more than a decade since Cal last recorded an all-ballad collection. During the years between he has been mixing Latin, jazz and pop material, demonstrating an evident love for diversity. However, a record such as this one, with simplicity as its underlying theme, is essentially a true departure. It transcends by far the limitations of mere mood music, dinner jazz, or low-keyed Muzak pablum. This music has a plentiful supply of taste, heart and substance, and an authenticity that needs little adornment. These are models of ballad artistry, which Cal and arranger/pianist Frank Strazzeri have enhanced in a deceptively simple way.

As Cal explains: "It was Frank's first shot at string arranging and he fulfilled the an assignment admirably. We wanted to maintain a feeling of uncomplicated freedom for the soloists, with support, but no interference, by the strings.

Some of the selections seem to call for special comment. The opener, "I Can't Get Started," stands on its own even the song is inextricably linked to the 1937 vocal-and-trumpet recording by the legendary Bunny Berigan. The verse, featuring Frank's beautiful piano, sets the mood for the entire album – tender, gorgeous, poignant. "Emily" is one of the finest of Johnny Mandel's many exquisite  melodies, while "What'll I Do" is an Irving Berlin classic that Cal finds a particularly "feeling kind of tune," The title piece, "Last Night When We Were Young," is by another phenomenal composer, Harold Arlen. Tjader calls it "one of my favorite jewels of all time," while Strazzeri considers it one of the greatest of ballads. Thad Jones's "A Child Born" has, in just a few years, become a true standard. As for the little-known "Why Did I Choose You," Cal notes that it is "from a Barbra Streisand off-Broadway thing that kind of bombed... It has knocked me out ever since I first heard it six or seven years ago." – Herb Wong

From Billboard - August 9, 1975: Exceptionally mellow set from top vibe man Tjader, sounding for the most part like a well thought out grouping of supper club music rather than some of the more obvious jazz sounds he has come up with. The strings are here, but they are relegated well to the background for the most part and the move is effective. While Tjader obviously takes most of the solos on this set of contemporary songs (excellent guitar from Eddie Duran also appears throughout the LP), the strings act as a fine cushion without dominating. Production from Tjader and pianist Frank Strazzeri. LP closes with one swinging jazz piece otherwise it is mainly easy flowing, easy to listen to mood music.

I Can't Get Started
Why Did I Choose You
What'll I Do
Last Night When We Were Young
A Child Is Born
A House Is Not A Home
For All We Know

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