Sunday, January 22, 2023

Here This Sunday - Roberta Martin Singers


The Ship Of Zion

What A Friend

Here This Sunday
The Original Roberta Martin Singers
Apollo Records LP 480

Roberta Martin - Soprano
Eugene Smith - Baritone
Norsalus McKissick - Tenor
Dolores Barrett - Soprano
Bessie - Contralto

From the back cover: Belief in what one does and says is, beyond all else, the single element needed to achieve any measure of greatness. The actor projects himself into the role he portrays. He must believe he is living the part. The musician loses himself in the moment of magic. In all areas of accomplishment, this simple tenet separates the genuine from the facsimile. Certainly, when the role portrayed is the part lived day by day, the sincerity of purpose is all-encompassing.

Miss Roberta Martin and the Roberta Martin singers have the role of spiritual singers each day. For more than 25 years, the vitality and warmth they project in their gospel songs has had an uplifting effect in Baptist Churches all over the country.

Miss Roberta Martin was born in Helena, Arkansas. Her family moved to Chicago when she was very young, became members ofd the Ebeneezer Baptist Church. It was there that Roberta heard and sang religious music. It was there that she sang the Gospel Songs, for the Ebeneezer Church was one of the first to permit and to sponsor this intensely appealing music.

In those years ago, Roberta Martin was a pioneer. She organized the Roberta Martin Singers. They were the youngest Gospel singer of the time. As they travelled from church to church, carrying their message of faith with gusto and unforced charm, their fame spread. Soon they moved from city to city across the land, steadily, sturdily.

In 1948, the Original Roberta Martin Singers were recorded by Apollo. The Group was awarded a Golden Records for "Only A Look."

Belief in what one does is paramount. But there must be added abilities to persuade, to express, to resolved the message of belief. The Original Roberta Martin Singers have such distinctions. Their performances are directed only in the religious areas, but their technical arts project all the expressive characteristics of great singing. They combine the flourish and the tempos, the emotion and the accent, the sweet and the full-bodies. They sustain lyric tension. Their singing warmly expresses all the vigor and vitality and veracity in the simple words of faith. Theirs is an honesty and belief as self-evident as are all uncluttered elements of true folk music.

On Roberta Martin's stationery this message is printed "Be not afraid, be thou dismayed, for I am with thee whithersoever thou goeth."

Roberta Martin and the Original Roberta Martin Singers carry that message everywhere. They believe. – notes by Mort Goode

Where Can I Go - Roberta Martin
Have You Fond Jesus- Dolores Barrett
Marching To Zion - Eugene Smith
What A Blessing In Jesus I've Found - Bessie Folk
I Don't Mind - Norsalus McKissick
He Didn't Mind Dying - Dolores Barretti
Let It Be - Dolores Barretti
I Am Sealed - Eugene Smith
What A Friend - Roberta Martin
You'll Understand It Better - Roberta Martin
The Ship Of Zion - Norsalus McKissick
Satisfied - Eugene Smith

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