Monday, November 28, 2022

The Other Side Of Sound - Arthur Smith


The Other Side Of Sound

The Other Side Of Sound
By Arthur Smith
Produced by Arthur Smith Productions - Charlotte, N. C.
Special Gift Album Presented by Lowe's

From the back cover: We appreciate your patronage and hope you will return and invite your friends to visit "Lowe's Home Entertainment Center" to see and hear all that is new in Radio, TV Hi-Fi and Stereo. – Bob Strickland, Director of Marketing

Arthur Demonstrates Stereo
Ralph Smith sings Ding Dong Daddy
Ralph Smith sings Bread And Gravy
Tommy Faile sings Nine Pound Hammer
Tommy Faile sings Alabama
Maggie Griffin sings Bill Bailey
Arthur Smith plays Banjo Buster
Wayne Haas sings Fair & Tender Ladies
Dick and Jackie Schuyler sing Down In The Valley

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