Monday, November 28, 2022

That Cuban Cha Cha Cha - Orquesta Aragon


Los Fantasmas

That Cuban Cha Cha Cha
Orquesta Aragon
RCA Victor LPM-1294

From the back cover: This group, organized in the interior of Cuba, was completely unknown in this country until its first RCA Victor recording hit the market. This record was El Agua de Clavelito, and its great success made the Orquesta Aragon famous overnight.

The Carnival at Santiago de Cuba is known as the fire test of Cuban orchestras. For three consecutive years recordings by the Orquesta Aragon won the distinction of being La Cancion Tema del Carnaval (The Carnival's Theme Song). This "Theme Song of the Carnival" is the number which each year obtains the greatest popularity and, thus, is sung and danced the most on the streets, and in the theaters, cabarets, radio and television during Carnival time.

The fist big hit of the Orquesta Aragon in this respect was the aforementioned El Agua del Calvelito; the following year the honor was won by the sparkling Para, Cochero and the third year the nostalgic Noche Azul walked off with the distinction. In addition to these honors, it has been said jokingly in Cuba that first place in the Cuban Hit Parade is reserved for the Orquesta Aragon, for the numbers of its recordings to achieve that position has been extremely impressive. Thanks to a wealth of exciting RCA Victor recordings, its popularity is rapidly growing in the United States and abroad.

El Bodeguero (The Grocer)
Silencio (Silence)
Señor Juez (Mister Judge)
Los Fantasma (The Ghosts)
Sabrosona (Voluptuous)
Calculadora (The Schemer)
Al Vaiven De Mi Carreta (Swaying Ox-Cart)
Los Tinosos
No Me Molesto (It Doesn't Bother Me)
Yo Tengo Una Muñeca (I Have A Doll)
El Organillero (The Organ Grinder
Ay Jose

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