Saturday, April 23, 2022

Pepper Adams 5


Baubles, Bangles And Bead

Pepper Adams 5
Cover Design: Cal Freedman
Photo: George Jerman / Photography 2
Interlude Records MO 502


Pepper Adams - Baritone
Stu Williams - Trumpet
Carl Perkins - Piano
Leroy Vinnegar - Bass
Mel Lewis - Drums

From the back cover: Unlike other young jazz instrumentalists who had variety of idols to choose from, Pepper Adams and his baritone stylings colleagues single out Harry Carney as the only salient standard in the (obscured word) jazz realm who gave form and definition to the role of the baritone in (obscured word). Although Harry was at one time virtually alone in the field, his strong leadership paved the way to startling innovations by his latter-day admirers.

Park Adams grew up in Detroit Music Store, where the call for baritones was anemic. Through his fascination for reed instruments, he arranged with his boss to purchase the instrument for his employee discount. The union was an instant success, and Pepper became a convert to the over-sized horn. All of his available time was spent in perfecting his playing ability, and his patience was fully rewarded when he joined the Stan Kenton band in 1956, and later toured with Maynard Ferguson's "Dream Band."

This Interlude recording displays his talent with a group of his own choosing. Assisting him are four of the finest musicians in the country, all jazz individualists,  but with a keen sense of ensemble unity. The rhythm section of Carl Perkins, Leroy Vinnegar and Mel Lewis produce an unswerving backstop for the horns, and trumpeter Stu Williamson has long since distinguished himself as an important cog in the sphere of modern trumpet.

In addition to his performances here, Pepper composed two original lines for the group, both of which are heard on side 2. To complete the program he selected what we might call three standards, albeit that side 1 is devoted to a recently popular ballad, and a remarkably changed version of one of the great tunes from the Broadway success, "Kismet." The quintet had three things in mind as the program progressed. – Joe Quinn

From Billboard - July 13, 1959: Very listenable hard bop here by a fine group of jazzmen led by Pepper Adams on baritone. Sidemen include L. Vinnegar on bass, C. Perkins on piano, M. Lewis on drums, and S. Williamson on trumpet. There are only five selections on the album, with "Unforgettable" and "Baubles, Bangles And Beads" giving all the men a chance to blow. Good wax here.

Unforgettable - Gordon
Baubles, Bangles And Beads - Wright-Forrest
Freddie From - Pepper Adams
My One And Only Love - Wood-Mellin
Muezzin' - Pepper Adams

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