Thursday, April 21, 2022

Move - Red Norvo



Red Norvo's Trio
with Tal Farlow - Guitar & Charlie Mingus - Bass
Production by Ozzie Cadena
Mastered by R. Van Gelder
Savoy Record, Co., Inc. SAVOY MG 12088

From the back cover: The title aptly expresses Red's musical philosophy, that feeling which is so essential to the core of jazz. A happy attitude which makes jazz such an infectious music and, in its most productive moments, such a rewarding and refreshing musical experience. For that matter, there's always been something rewarding and refreshing in Red Norvo's musical dogma, and this set may well be the acme of his recorded history in a context that has all the zest of breezes blowing through Pacific coves.

I think you'll share the same zest when you sit, hear and feel the music which Red Norvo, Tal Farlow and Charlie Mingue present in this set. And what music it is! The themes employed are either standards which have worn well through the years, or original composition from the pens of the most expressive composers in jazz. Both standards and originals are afforded the finest treatment by all three confreres in a stimulating exposition of their talents. All three have ample time to appear in the solo spotlight, and considering the effectiveness of their individual statements, it is no wonder that each is considered to have no peer on his own instrument. Tal Farrow has won even major award in jazz polls throughout the country and in Europe, and, in line of descent and emotional intensity, many be the guitarist who shall bring to maturity the innovations which Charlie Christian first posited.

Bassist Mingus needs not introduction to the jazz public. Most fans are aware of his stature, as he is noted among the most original contributors and creative talents jazzdom has ever claimed. He is the leader of the modern movement of the East Coast with a following which rivals his own creative resources. But leader he definitely is, with a forceful, sometimes bellicose, personality which demands, and ofttimes receives, the finest performance from other soloists. (Charlie's work is well represented in the Composer's Workshop Album on SAVOY MG 12059). Red Norvo is certainly a musical who has withstood the test of time and the vagaries of public taste and opinion. He has functioned with the best in jazz domain, from Benny Goodman to Charlie Parker, and ever proved himself a valuable asset to any group. His position in jazz  has long established and the musical and personal respect he has garnered, is most deserving.

I feel that this album possesses that certain indefinable something which is the core of jazz greatness; perhaps it is the personality of the men who fuse and work together so well; perhaps the expressive munificence displayed by the soloists; perhaps it is the near-spiritual quality of jazz which allows its performers to transcend to a plane where creation begins. For these and other qualities, this album belongs in every music lover's collection. – Jack McKinney

I Can't Believe That You're In Love With Me
I'll Remember April
September Song
Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart
I've Got You Under My Skin
If I Had You
This Can't Be Love
Cheek To Cheek
Swedish Pastery

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