Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Discotheque Dance Party - Sonny Richards


The Kangaroo

Discotheque Dance Party
Sonny Richards' Panics
Recorded Live at the Rockin' Rainbow, Wildwood, N.J.
Arranged & Directed by Madara & White
Produced by Madara & White
Recorded on location by Mira Sound Studio
Engineer: Brooks Arthur
Recorder: Joe Venerri
Philips Records PHM 200-159

From the back cover: Here's dance party music the way it's wailed at Wildwood, New Jersey – the new scene of pop music's big stand. Frug, bird, watusi, all you could ask for or dance to. And when the exciting Panics let loose with all their disco favorites, you, like the gang at Wildwood, are in for wild, zesty, rafter-rattling, unrestrained good fun and completely danceable music. (A prime example is The Panics' own creation "The Kangaroo," rapidly becoming a popular new dance sensation at discos everywhere.) Their music, like that of the discotheques, appeals to all age groups – not only teens, but adults as well (in fact, anyone who likes the modern sound in music).

It's not the easiest thing in the world to talk about The Panics in terms of talent, because there is no apparent end to their individual, much less collective, versatility. Take their leader, Sonny Richards, for example. According to the mood he's in. Sonny might play drums or trombone, let loose a vocal or perform a comic bit. Ronnie Olsen, whose long suit is guitar, is equally at home in the presence of bass, organ, drums, trumpet, accordion and a few other instruments, all self-taught.

Pete Masters operates either on organ or piano, or joins Ronnie in giving out with an American version of the Beatles. Peter Paul might be draped around his bass, or blending in on the vocal harmony, or maybe doing a little of both, while drummer Joe Payne has been known to put down his sticks and pick up the proceedings with some reasonably riotous movie star mimics. That leave Louie "Loops" Lupo who blows any kind of sax (alto, baritone, soprano or tenor) and clarinet, too. In short, if it's got a reed, Loops can make music with it. – Dick Lockte

Discotheque Dance Party
All My Loving
Hand Clappin'
The Soul Twist
What'd I Say
The Kangaroo
High Heel Sneakers
More (Theme from "Mondo Cane")
It Ain't What You Got

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