Saturday, February 26, 2022

Cool Music For Warm People - Lee Scott



Lee Scott
Sings Cool Music For Warm People
With The Tony Luis Quintet
Strand SL 1047

From the back cover: In any given day, record company executives hear and see many singers and musicians, both male and female. Yet, when real talent is exposed to the ear of those responsible for putting forth the sound that you hear on records, it creates a tremendous feeling of satisfaction. There is nothing as stimulating to one in the record business as a distinctive sound of a voice and an instrument.

When Tony Luis presented himself with a test dub of his group, and a young singer named Lee Scott doing the vocals, I was duly impressed.

Here was a different sound instrumentally, with a fresh new voice that blended perfectly to create proper mood for listening.

As several of us listened to a few of the test records made with Tony Luis' group, and with Lee Scott singing, there was complete feeling among us that a new vocal star was being discovered.

Lee Scott is a young Philadelphia girl who is making her initial appearance on records. She has appeared on radio and television in the Philadelphia area, and has also appeared in some of the leading supper clubs throughout the country.

Lee Scott's musical talents are not merely confined to vocalizing. She studied piano for many years, and gained quite a reputation in her native Philadelphia as a popular, jazz and concert pianist.

In addition to this talent, the gifted Miss Scott has also written many fine tunes, as well as a score for a musical. In fact, at the present time, she is writing material for some of our other artists to perform on records.

It is this fundamental knowledge of music that affords Lee Scott the ability to handle the vocal selections in this album so well. Her phrasing, and the ease in which she handles a tune, stamps her as one of the coming greats in the field.

Three of the selections contained in this album are originals composed by the aforementioned Tony Luis. These include "Blues", "Far East" and "Sugar Coated Dreams". The other selections in this album are all standards tunes. The arrangements are all accomplished by Tony Luis with some help from his brother, Don. Tony has played and recorded with some of the outstanding modern jazz groups in the country. He has a sensitive feel, with a diversified knowledge of music.

Please listen to his original composition in this album, "Blues". This is truly the work of a genius.

Yet, in another vein, he has penned selections as "Far East" and "Sugar Coated Dreams" which create an entirely different mood. Tony Luis is definitely one of the finest arrangers and composers, as well as musicians, in his field today.

Included in his group are Al Stauffer, bassist, Tony Pagano on the flute, Sal Benigno with the swinging guitar and Armand Santarelli, drummer. Together this combo with Lee Scott on the vocals, have provided an album which is a true work of art – Sid Pastner

Gypsy In My Soul
I'm Glad There Is You
Moonlight In Vermont
Gone With The Wind
You Go To My Head
Far East
It's You Are No One
Sugar Coated Dreams
The More I See You
When The Sun Comes Out

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