Monday, December 14, 2020

Tender Is The Night - Andre Kostelanetz


Love For Sale

Tender Is The Night
Andre Kostelanetz and His Orchestra
Columbia CL 886

From Billboard - September 15, 1956: An eye-catching cover and the lush, sentimental instrumental stylings of Kostelanetz makes this LP a potent sales entry in the mood music field, and particularly good for romantic deejay segs. Selections include such poignant standards as "But Not For Me," "The Thrill Is Gone," and "Body And Soul."

Love For Sale
But Not For Me
These Foolish Things (Remind My Of You)
The Thrill Is Gone
More Than You Know
Body And Soul
What Is This Thing Called Love
Alone Together 
It's All Right With Me
In The Still Of The Night

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