Sunday, December 13, 2020

Contemporary Spanish Dances - Emma Maleras



Contemporary Spanish Dances
Emma Madera and Her Spanish Ballet
Recorded in Barcelona
Cover Photo: Phillip March
Back Cover Photo: Alfonso of Barcelona
Capitol Records  P18019

From the back cover: Born in 1921 in Ripollet, a little village near Barcelona, Emma Maleras matriculated at 8 at the Conservatorio del Liceo in Barcelona where she studied piano and harmony.

But on her eleventh birthday anniversary, Emma's parents enrolled her with Antonio Alcaraz, a prominent Spanish dance instructor who had worked with Antonia Merce (La Agentinita), most renowned of all Spanish dancers, and sister of the still-active and celebrated Pilar Lopez. At 14, Emma Maleras was known in Barcelona as "the little witch of the castanets" and was appearing professionally. Later she studied the dance briefly with Jaun Magrina.

In 1950 Miss Maleras organized her own Spanish ballet troupe, a group which represented Spain at the International Congress of Opera and Ballet at Wiesdaden, Germany. She performed the opera, "La Vida Breve" and the ballet "El Amor Brujo," both by Maneul de Falla, with spectacular success.

The Germany triump led the Malerasdancers to tours of Portugal, France, Switzerland, Italy and Egypt. A contract for recording followed shortly thereafter. 

Today, in Barcelona, Emman Maleras is possibly the most successful and influential teacher of Spanish dances. Frequently she goes out on tour with her now-renowned Ballet Espanol. "Contemporary Spanish Dances" as offered by Capitol marks the North American debut of Miss Maleras and her company on records.

Anda Ya!
El Gato Montes
Capote De Grana Y Oro
Segundas De Filigrana
Faraon Cambalachero
Garrotin De Cordoba
Bulerias Del Pajaro Pinto
No Te Puedo Querer
La Flor De La Maravilla

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