Saturday, December 14, 2019

Evolution - Dennis Coffey

Big Funk City
Dennis Coffey and The Detroit Guitar Band
Produced by Theodore
Arrangements: Theodore and Coffey
Recording: Jim Burzzese - GM Studio, Detroit
Mixing: Ray Hall, RCA, New York
Photography: Ransier and Anderson
Design Concept: Theodore
Album Design: Maurer Production
Sussex Records SXBS 7004 STEREO
Distributed by Buddha Records

Special Thanks to Capitol Music, Detroit, Mich. and all the Detroit musicians who contributed their talents to this album.


Dennis Coffey: Alto Guitar, Solos and Sitar
Ray Monette: Tenor Guitar
Joe Podorsek: Baritone Guitar
Bob Babbit: Bass Guitar
Jack Ashford: Percussion

From the back cover: The electric guitar has long been the backbone of contemporary groups. It has remained, however, essentially a lead or rhythm instrument. Now, with the advert of the fuzz tone, sustainers and wa-wa pedals the flexibility and tonal possibilities of the guitar are much broader.

Evolution of the guitar has led to this album. With the exception of drums and piano, multi-voice guitars have been used to produce the accompaniments rather than the moog, horns or strings. The listener will many times find it difficult to believe that guitars can produce such orchestral tones.

The Dennis Coffey guitar band is a lush and funky orchestra on "Summertime Girl" and, on the other hand, they are hard hitting and brassy on "Scorpio". Finally, they top it off electric and mysteriously with "Garden Of The Moon."

Getting In On
Whole Lot Of Love
Summer Time Girl
Garden Of The Moon
Sad Angel
Big City Funk
Wind Song
Good Time Rhythm And Blues

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