Friday, December 13, 2019

Cocktail Time - Harry Grube

The Continental Piano Of Harry Grube at Cocktail Time
Somerset Album P-800
Produced by Miller International Co.
Packaging by Triumph Phono Records Sales, Inc.

From the back cover: After listening to Harry Grube and his group, it is quite apparent why his continental piano is so much in demand in smart hotel dinning rooms and intimate supper clubs and cafes all over the continent.

His style has that welcome quality of your pleasantly being aware that he is playing, but the music never seems to interfere with your conversation or thoughts. In this album Harry is ably assisted by Helmut Shafberg on Bass, Werner Pathe, guitar and Rolf Harwege, drums.

A surprising fact concerning this album is that it was recorded without any pervious preparation, thought as to selections, or rehearsal with the group. Harry "sat in" on piano for a friend that had been called for a recording session at Musikhalle in Hamburg. The Paragon A & R director was so impressed by his piano work in the large orchestra session, that he persuaded Harry to do an album after the full orchestra left at two o'clock in the morning. By four thirty that morning (sans piano copies or arrangements) this album was taped and ready for editing. Another amazing fact is that not one "retake" had to be made nor were there any of the usual "clinkers" to be omitted from the master tape.

Harry was born in Hamburg in 1931. He studied music all during his school years and aside from cafe work is in great demand by all the recording companies in Western Germany today. He is quite active in television and does a good deal of work for REAL film studios.

He has a deep love of the classics with favorite composers being Beethoven, Debussy and surprisingly enough, Duke Ellington.

You can be certain that you will hear more of the continental piano of Harry Grube in the future.

Dark Eyes
Waves Of The Danube
Melody In F
Vienese Melody
Valse Lente
Flower Song
Waltz In A Minor

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