Sunday, May 8, 2011

Pearly Shells - Billy Vaughn

Pearly Shells
Billy Vaughn
Dot DLP 25605

Some Vaughn albums don't do it for me and some do. This is one is a great album for exotica lovers. I think he may have take a cue from exotica artists like Martin Denny when he worked on this project. The music is a nice blend of smooth jazz, hints of exotica (covers include A Taste Of Honey and Caravan) and light pop. He still manages to work in his sax on occasion without creating a dated sound that I sometimes refer to as "Lawrence Welk".


  1. Caravan, one of my faves. Nice version though I am not normally a Vaughn fan!

  2. My parents had this album as i grew up in the 60's. (-;


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