Monday, May 9, 2011

Electronic Music

Avni: Vocalise - Pnina Avni, Soprano
Electronic Music
Turnabout TV 34004S

Terrific electronic music album.

Lewin-Richter: Study No. 1; Mimaroglu
Le Tombeau - d'Edgar Poe by Stephane Mallarme - Erdem Buri Speaker
Intermezzo, Bowery Bum (Study after Jean Dubuffet
Avni: Vocalise - Pnina Avni, Soprano
Carlos: Variations for Flute and Electronic Sound
Dialogues for Piano and Two Loudspeakers

It was hard to choose a sample for you. Variations for Flute and Electronic Sound and Dialogues for Piano and Two Loudspeakers are great pieces and are found, listed as the first works, on Walter/Wendy Carlos (Switched-On Bach) wiki page. Le Tombeau features spoken word (French) which adds to the minimalist quality of the piece. I chose the piece I did because I'm a sucker for how soprano vocals are used like an instrument in this type of music.


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