Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Morton Gould Showcase



Morton Gould and His Orchestra
Arranged by Morton Gould
Columbia Masterworks Records ML 4046

From the back cover: Morton Gould's first original contribution to the world of music came in 1920 when he was six years old and published a composition entitled, appropriately enough Just Six. This was a waltz.

A few years later he was awarded a scholarship at the New York Institute of Musical Art, and within seven years he was giving piano recitals. For a short time he played piano in vaudeville, movie houses and with dance bands, eventually becoming a member of the musical staff of the Radio City Music Hall and then of the National Broadcasting Company.

His brilliant talents were quickly recognized, and he was given a radio program of his own on the network of the Mutual Broadcasting System which became one of the most popular weekly broadcasts of its kind and which later was heard over the Columbia Broadcasting System.

Morton Gould's compositions, notably Spirituals, Interplay, Minstrel Show and the Latin-American Symphonette, have been performed by many of the leading symphony orchestras of America. Among the conductors who have presented his music are Artur Rodzinski, Dimitri Mitropoulos and Arturo Toscanini.

Henderson - The Birth Of The Blues
Brahm - Limehouse Blues
Porter - Begin The Beguine
Arlen - Blues In The Night
Loeb - Masquerade
Carmichael - Georgia On My Mind
Simons - The Peanut Vendor
Traditional - Two Guitars

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