Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Dave "Baby" Cortez And His Happy Organ


Dave "Baby" Cortez
And His Happy Organ
Clock Records MG 20647-C
Distributed by Mercury Record Corporation

From the back cover: Displays of Dave "Baby" Cortez's all around ability are contained in this album. Past hits, such as "The Happy Organ," "The Whistling Organ" and "Dave's Special," show a carefree musician capable of producing some of the happiest, shoutingest, toe tapping music anyone could wish for. "Catnip," another rollicking instrumental, is full of Dave's organistics.

Incredible as it seems, an unknown artist can make a phonograph record that sells a million copies and then some. That is the story of Dave "Baby" Cortez, who in 1959 made music history by overshadowing the biggest names on records, emerging... 'king of the organ players' with his smash hit, "The Happy Organ."

It's befitting that this top-notch music salesman began his career on such a 'happy' note. His infectious enthusiasm electrifies not only audiences, but those musicians who work with I'm. The Cortez approach to music is unusual and almost inspiring, unhampered by written arrangements he's completely spontaneous, and that' the way he first approached the organ... just stat down and played with hands, feet and heart.

A quote from Dave is "you have to express yourself somehow." To see watching a magician weave a spell over a big box, there are not enough stops or keys to tie those Cortez hands down, they fly up in the air and wave around descending on the keys with such stunning force that the organ visibly rocks and rolls to the driving rhythmic patterns he finds in his own imagination. This showman has endeared himself to a huge following and their enthusiasm has not only been reflected in the purchase of his recordings. As a sidelight, Dave's organ travels across the country in a specially built truck, originally painted yellow and black, with his name on the sides. The truck is now covered in several shades of red lipstick bearing the greetings from his fans.

Now, within one sitting the inimitable Mr. Cortez is portrayed in wax from every angle, with a million seller as a calling card and a string of successful newer recordings to his credit. Dave "Baby" Cortez has established a permanent niche in the field of recorded music. – Ira Howard

The Happy Organ
It's A Sin To Tell A Lie
Mardi Gras
Deep In The Heart Of Texas
Red Sails In The Sunset
Piano Shuffle
The Boogie Organ
The Whistling Organ

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