Thursday, November 14, 2024

Country... The Wright Way - Johnny Wright


The Devil's Own

Country... The Wright Way
Johnny Wright
Cover Photo: Hal Buksbaum
Decca Records DL 4846

From the back cover: Johnny had never been known as what show business calls a "single" until the passing of his beloved partner, Jack Anglin. But when it became a cold, hard fact that he had to go on alone.. well, go on he did... and succeed he did. Since becoming the fellow who occupies the spotlighted position on a stage all by himself, Johnny Wright has been all around the world. Even in countries where large parts of his crowds weren't able to understand English, the sincerity of his manner became sort of universally understood language.

Johnny Wright has become an institution within the field of country showmanship. You see, we didn't just coin the phrase "Wright Way" to have something catchy to put on the cover. Professionals in country music have been using that term for years to describe Johnny's distinctive way with a song. The Wright way is respected because it's as straightforward and honest as the day is long. If there is good, better, and best in country music, there is no question which one of those words applies to Johnny Wright!

Think Of Me
I'm Doing This For Daddy
Swinging Doors
Racing Man
Immune To Love
The Shoe Goes On The Other Foot Tonight
Mama's Little Jewel
Making Ends Meet
Drinking Beer And Shedding Tears
Open Up You Heart
The Devil's Own
Nothing From Nothing

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