Wednesday, September 10, 2014

She Dotes On Dreamy Music - Harry Hermann

She Dotes On Dreamy Music
Harry Hermann And His Orchestra
Decca Records DL 8310

From the back cover: The Petty Girl as featured in Esquire / In his portraits of enticing young ladies for Esquire Magazine, Artist George Petty has performed a truly epochal marriage of the physics of the curved line and intangibles of glamor.

Also from the back cover: It is with great pleasure that we introduce The Girl Friend to this album marking Harry Hermann's debut on Decca Records. Viennese-born, Hermann's intensive classical background is pointed up by the fact that at seventeen, he was playing with the Vienna Philharmonic under the direction of Richard Strauss.

From Billboard - November 17, 1956: Here's a perfect holiday gift package series for men who appreciate pin-up type calendar art. Altho the titles in the series are equally divided between music for "The Girl Friend" and "The Boy Friend" and "The Boy Friend," the covers – feature curvaceous Petty Girl drawings – are strictly for the boys, particularly those who were in their salad days when Petty works of art where in theirs.

Count Every Star
Will You Remember
Indian Love Call
Premier Rendezvous
Embraceable You
You're Too Dangerous, Cherie
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
My Foolish Heart
Sweet And Lovely

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making this available, I used to ahve this on my computer but one April Fool's day in 2014---appros, no?:)--my G:/ drive containing it picks said day to crash...:)


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