Friday, April 1, 2011

The Sound of 94 Speakers - Don Baker

Theme From Sanctuary
Don Baker At The Console Of The Rodgers Electronic Organ
The Sound Of 94 Speakers!
Great Motion Picture Themes
Capitol Records T-1626

This is an organ recording made in The Portland, Oregon, Memorial Coliseum.

From the back cover: The Rodgers is unique. Completely electrified, it uses neither simple pneumatic nor electrical-pneumatic action. Each of its 600 tones is produced by a separate match-box sized transistorized etched circuit, housed within the console. To allow the Rodgers to sound throughout the 14,000-seat Coliseum, technicians arrived at the highly unusual solution. 32 speaker enclosures hold the 94 speakers, and together with 26 amplifiers, they were placed in a two-ton "basket" suspended from the arena ceiling. Pointing slightly downward and covering a full circle, the speakers beam sound to every seat in the arena.

What this all means to the non-technically minded record listener is the more dramatic pieces on this album sound cool because the sound is spacey and full of reverb.


  1. dident no that speaker systems existed like that in those old dark days.


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