Monday, December 6, 2010

Club 15

Club 15

Club 15 was a construct of The Campbell Soup Company. Club 15 was an "exercise club" for teenage girls. A former olympic gymnast and coach, Muriel Davis Grossfeld was contracted through a New York advertising firm, BBD&O to travel the country visiting schools and teach exercises to teenage girls.

I think the album was made in 1968 or 69 or shortly after Muriel did coaching chores for the U.S. Women's Gymnastics Team came back from Mexico City.


  1. FABULOUS FUN! You haven't posted an excersize record in some time!!

  2. I used to have this record back in the 60's. My 6th grade gym class introduced Club 15 to us. I even bought my own album. What a flashback this is.

  3. Do you have copies of all the exercises?

  4. Still do the exercises. If its still correct - from a straight stand -squat support straddle support rollover squat stand.


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