Sunday, November 7, 2010

Selling By Telephone

Selling By Telephone
How To Increase Sales And Profits By Phone
Businessmen's Record Club
By J. George Frederick
United Film And Recording Company, Chicago, Ill. BRC 108

From the back cover: Mr. Frederick is well qualified to speak on telephone salesmanship. He is the author of the book entitled Selling By Telephone, and publisher of the book by Jack Schwartz, How To Get More Business By Telephone.

Other book by Mr. Frederick include 1,000 Sale Points, Modern Sales Management and Introduction to Motivation Research.

Besides being president of The Business Bourse, Mr. Frederick is a founder and officer of the New York Sales Manager's Club and one of the original founders of the Better Business Bureau. He is in great demand as a speaker for Rotary Clubs, including those of New York and Paris, France. And he as also addressed advertising and sales clinic throughout the United States and Canada.

1 comment:

  1. HA HA Telemarketing! I always love this sort of record. How funny! That fellow certainly has a most annoying diction.


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