Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Love, Courtship, Romance and Sex

Love, Courtship, Romance And Sex

Love, Courtship, Romance and Sex
By C. Sumner Wemp
LBC Production Studios, Lynchburg, Virginia
Executive Producer: Mark Lloyd
Technical Supervision: Alan Stephens
Sound Engineer: Warren Agey
Recorded at LBC Production Studios, Lynchburg, Virginia
Queen City Album, Cincinnati, Ohio

From the back cover: C. Summer Wemp is Vice President of Lynchburg Baptist College, director of spiritual life and Chairman of the Division of Religious. He is a former president of Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, Alabama. For thirteen years he pastored churches in Florida and Alabama. Dr. Wemp spent eight years at Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, Illinois, as Chairman of the Department of Evangelism and Pastoral Training Director of Practical Christian Work.

Often he is called upon to hold conferences on evangelism, seminars on marriage and speak in Bible conferences, conventions, colleges and seminaries across America and Canada. He has directed four tours to the Bible lands. Dr. Wemp is the author of some fifteen gospel tracts, two booklets on soul winning and numerous articles for Christian magazines. Dr. Wemp is a graduates of Samford University and Dallas Theological Seminary.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT A TREASURE. I don't know HOW you find these! I want this.


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