Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ping Pong Sound Of Guitars In Percussion

Ping Pong Sound Of Guitars In Percussion

The Ping Pong Sound Of Guitars In Percussion
By Eddie Wayne & Group
Chief Engineer: Preston Ford
Coronet Records CXS-139
A Division Of Premier

The album title "ping-pong percussion" is misleading as there is not a single typical "ping-pong" effect on the set. Nor are there any instances of typical period "percussion" effects. But the music is still cool.

The assembled tracks were probably produced by two to four different groups of session musicians. I made an attempt to find info on Eddie Wayne with no success. This is just a guess, but Eddie Wayne is probably a name the budget label made up to suggest, to unaware buyers, that the guitar artist was "Duane Eddy".

The Village At 4:00 A.M.
Milt's The Man
Run, Rock And Roll
Ice And Snow
Heaven Is High
Dan And Doreen
Theme To A Theme
Dig Ye Deep
Mother's Not Home
Down With It
Sun Spots

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I love the ping pong effect. It's funny how someone would borrow the term and not use the effect! I love the tune, however! I always grab anything I see with ping pong or 'percussion' in the title.


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