Friday, September 3, 2010

Korla Pandit - Music Of The Exotic East

Tales Of Underwater Worshippers

Korla Pandit
Play Music Of The Exotic East
Fantast 3272

From the back cover: Mr. Pandit, born in New Delhi, India, was a musically gifted child. His father, a member of one of India's first families, and his European-born mother nurtured the talent, allowing it to expand and ripen in an international atmosphere, Journeying to Europe, England, and eventually to America, the handsome prodigy continued his formal study, finishing at the University of Chicago.

The professional career of Korla Pandit has been a succession of impressive "firsts" in concert and television presentations, nationally as well as locally, in Hollywood and New York. He is responsible for several innovations in organ construction and interpretation, including Indian drum and percussion effects previously untried. His greatest success has been in television (Mr. Pandit gave the first all-musical TV program in Hollywood in 1949), and his one-hour weekly show in California won countless admirers and many awards. He has performed, too, in churches and temples on numerous occasions.

Korla Pandit brings deep spiritual contemplation to his music, but his primary goal is to create beautiful music for you, the listener. His skill and finesse, combined with a profound conviction in the divine nature of music, explain why listening to his music is a refreshing emotional experience. In Korla Pandit's own words: "Music may not save your soul, but it will cause your soul to be worth saving."

Love Song Of The Nile
Harem Bells
Procession Of The Grand Moghul
Tale Of The Underwater Worshippers
Kashmiri Love Song
Song Of India


  1. That would be FABULOUS for someone to do a movie. I just scored a 10" Pandit Christmas record on Ebay. Pretty excited about that one!

  2. Hello, this wonder brought me here but I can't find the link.. it would be really appreciated :)
    nice job

    1. Thank you! If there is any question of rights protection I do not offer a sample. Sorry. Have a great day! – Mark


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