Monday, September 13, 2010

Korla Pandit - The Grand Moghul Suite - Part 1

The Hypnotist

The Grand Moghul Suite
Part 1
Korla Pandit
India Records
Korla Pandit Productions 1001

From the back cover: Having first appeared on Paramount Television for a year and a half, he never spoke a single word except through the profound expression of his personality and music. He termed it "The Universal Language Of Music." He won the TV Guide and Televiews Magazine award for the outstanding male personality and musical instrumentalist on west coast television. Thousands of testimonial letters have been sent to him, all telling a similar story of how this program has had a tremendous influence on their personal outlook on life. "An island of Peace, and Solitude, in the midst of tumult, and confusion." Perhaps you too will find some such satisfaction in these selections of enchantment at any rate, you will find them to by of unique, and dynamic entertainment value. Ducovdray says "Oriental music may provide Western musicians with fresh resources of expression and with colors hitherto unknown to the palate of the musician. To date he has appeared on over 900 telecast programs, his films and recordings have circled the world. He has become a legend in his own time.

Korla Pandit was discovered duplicating songs at the early age of two years and four months. His father, a Brahman and a member of one of India's first families, decided to send him to English tutors when when he reached five years of age. Here, hi uncanny natural ability was confirmed. (He immediately reproduced any composition that the Masters performed on the keyboard of their grand piano, an instrument for which he had no previous training.) He was limited only by the reach of his small hands. His abilities waxed stronger with age. After a tour of Europe, and a brief stay in England, he journeyed to America, where under special tutors and a guardianship he continued his studies until he entered the University of Chicago. Many more paragraphs totaling into a full-length book, could possibly be written about Mr. Pandit's life and still only brush the surface of Romance, Occult, Mystery and Spiritual factors which it undoubtedly contains, however, time and space does not permit it here. Our chief objective, here, is to declare his musical genius.

The Magnetic Theme (Magnetism)
Aicha's Dance
Ode To A Desert Love
The Hypnotist
The Procession Of The Grand Mogul
Theme Of Meta-logy
Trance Dance
The Turkish Dance

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