Saturday, August 28, 2010

Soundblast - Ferrante And Teicher


Ferrante And Teicher
Westminster WP 6041

This is a re-release of Soundproof (1956). According to this is the mono release of the stereo release of Soundproof (same songs). I will assume the the stereo version of Soundproof features the same songs as the mono version of Soundproof. Confusing.

Added is the full color version of the jacket as seen above. I assume that this jacket is the original version, followed by the monochromatic cover.

From the back cover: The Artists - What other duo-pianists can boast that they have played together since the age of six? Arthur Ferrante and Louis Teicher were fellow prodigies at New York's famous Juilliard School of Music, and even while students they appeared as a team. Their professional debut as a team took place quite a distance from the concert hall, for they bowed in as a popular piano duo at New York's sophisticated penthouse night club, Spivy's Roof. They were such a hit with the starlight crowd that they went on to more cosmopolitan boĆ®tes like the Blue Angel, the Little Club and the Ritz-Carlton Terrace. Since 1947 they have been criss-crossing the county annually, winning laurels everywhere for what The New York Times called their prodigious technical feats." Their gift for blending he classic with the modern and the "heavy" with the "light," their extraordinary sensitivity, their technical perfection – these are just a few of the reasons who one stern Manhattan critic, echoing the national consensus, called Ferrante and Teicher "the most exciting piano team of our time."

Peg-leg Meringue
Mama yo Quero 
Orchids In The Moonlight
Mexican Hat Dance
Loose Ends Meringue
La Cucaracha

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