Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Indian Marimba

The Indian Marimba
Music from Argentina, Bolivia, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Venezuela
Recorded by Arion-Paris
The Musical Heritage Society MHS 3238

From the back cover: The musical research necessary for the production of this recording was undertaken by Hector Miranda who directs the Los Calchakis Ensemble.

Palmeras (Bolivia)
Nieve Viento Y Sol (Argentina)
El Toro Robon (Mexico)
Sumak Yurak (Ecuador)
Bachue (Columbia)
Sombras (Ecuador)
La Reeler (Mexico)
El Rascapetate (Mexico)
Asomate A La Ventana (Columbia)
My Chiriguare (Venezuela)
Antigua Serenata (Agentina)
Huambra Amoroas (Ecuador)
La Zandunga (Mexico)
Joropeando (Venezuela)

1 comment:

  1. That is just beautiful! Very Exotica in sound & feel. Nice!


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