Sunday, March 24, 2024

Man With A Happy Sound - Joe Carroll


The Land Of Ooh Bla Dee

Man With A Happy Sound
Joe Carroll
Produced and Directed by Aubrey Mayhew
Title: Dan Morganstern
Cover Photos: Herb Snitzer
Cover Art: Reiss Art Studio
Liner Art: Blaise Studio
Engineer: Bob Simpson - RCA
Recored: February 12, 1962
Music Advisor: Doris Parker
Charlie Parker Records PLP-802

Joe Carroll - Vocal
Specs Williams - Organ
Grant Green - Guitar (courtesy Blue Note Records)
Connie Lester - Tenor Sax
Lee Ausley - Drums

From the back cover: Joe Carroll is truly "A Man With A Happy Sound" and this album confirms it. Joe knew what he wanted to say when he put together the selections and musicians that make up this presentation.

The use of the organ, accompanied by the guitar and rhythm section was Joe's choice to achieve the sound you hear behind his performances. The songs too, have a special continuity and expression. 

Joe Carroll is not a new name to the entertainment field, though ever-fresh in performance. He began his illustrious career with Dizzy Gillespie in 1949, of course he had been in the business long before that, but since his association with the Gillespie group Joe has grown in stature and popularity.

Joe Carroll, it has been said patterned himself after the late Leo Watson, I don't agree for Joe's style and originality is his own, unequalled or duplicated. Joe Carroll is an original.

Though Joe has not recorded is recent years he did a number of sessions between 1949 and 1953. We at Charlie Parker Records hope that this alum will be the beginning of a long and successful relationship with "The Happy Man."

The title of this album "Man With A Happy Sound" was suggested by Dan Morganstern and the photos of Herb Snitzer both of Metronome Magazine.

From the first downbeat of the session the recording personnel had a "party" and were fully entertained. Joe commenced with "Route 66" which set everyone in his mood, "happy."

We we got into "Lady Be Good" Joe said he was feeling his "groove," in fact we tried several things with this number because we felt it had a sound for a single 45, therefore the version heard on this album varies slightly from the single 45 which you will or have heard. To back up the "Lady Be Good" side we decided to experiment with "Don't Mess Around With My Love" and with this we all were swinging– Joe danced "the twist" during the breaks and the mood you feel with this album was set here.

Just to watch Joe Carroll work is an experience, he smiles, laughs, dances and keeps the whole team in a groove to produce.

We had a lot of fun with "New School Days," in order to get a sound we decided to have hand-clapping in the record so we asked some of the people who just came to visit to participate and they are Dan Morganstern, A.B. Lindsey, Gloria Redondo, Kitty Mike, Herb Snitzer, Alma Duke and Joe Scott. They all clapped, laughed and ended up doing the "twist" to the music.

Joe really worked on this date – in fact we wore Joe out as you will notice on "Ooh Bla Dee" he grows hoarse, but being the trooper that he is we finished.

Everyone concerned had Fun making this album for you and we hope you enjoy it  –"So now you have a party!" – A.L.M.

Get Your Kicks On Route 66
Oh Lady Be Good
Don't Mess Around With My Love
Wha-Wha Blues
Honeysuckle Rose
I Got Rhythm 
Bluest Blues
Have You Got A Penny Benny?
New School Days
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
The Land Of Ooh Bla Dee

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