Thursday, March 28, 2024

Little Band Big Jazz - Conte Candoli All Stars



Little Band - Big Jazz
Conte Candoli All Stars
Photography: Joesph Tauber
Cover Design: Hoboc Arts
Crown Records CLP 5162

Conte Candoli - Trumpet
Buddy Collette - Tenor
Vince Guaraldi - Piano
Leroy Vinegar - Bass
Stan Levy - Drums

From the back cover: No one knows what came first.

Whether it was the men or the music is unimportant.

For jazz came, and jazz conquered!

The nimble-fingered "professors" earned their Ph.D's the hard way... furthering the ragtime rage in the bawdy houses of New Orleans.

This same "Crescent City" spawned Dixieland.

The rugged, two-beat school gave ground in 1935. The "Swing Era" had arrived.

Through the next fabulous decade, the bands of Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, Cab Calloway, Jimmy Lunceford, Woody Herman and "Count" Bill Basie swung their way throughout the United States – straight into the hearts of young and old alike.

Suddenly, interest in the big band screeched to a halt. There were many reasons. An entertainment upstart, television, was growing increasingly popular. And it was impossible to make "the nut" on the road anymore. And so, the once proud and mighty kingpins of American music disappeared one by one.

But the mainstream of jazz would not be denied. The most literate and inventive solo artists formed combos. And these small groups have made, are still making history!

Five brilliant jazz instrumentalists poured their efforts into the creation of this Crown Album.

The remarkable trumpeter, Conte Condoli, was leader. He also wrote the six original tunes – penned the arrangements.

Conte i added by the driving tenor sax of Buddy Collette. And, by a solid, steady rhythm section: Vince Guaraldi is the pianist; the bassist, Leroy Vinegar; and the drummer is Stan Levy.

This all-star quintet performs provocatively – with intensity and always with heart

This, then is Little Band – Big Bass – John Marlo

Muggin' The Minor (Candoli)
Mambo Diane (Candoli)
Countin' The Blue (Candoli)
Zizane (Candoli)
Macedonia (Candoli-Guaraldi)
Little David (Candoli-Guaraldi)

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