Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Boogie Woogie Piano Stylings - Art Simmons


Foster's Blues

Boogie Woogie
Piano Stylings
Art Simmons
Mercury Wing MGW 12150

From the back cover: Like Hildegarde of Jane Morgan, Art Simmons had to spend 10 years transplanted in Paris, before his musicianship cracked thru the charmed star circle in America. Simmons is a 30-ish American Negro pianist, whose first etching for Wing comes just a decade since he left the Forty Nine.

And Art impressed upon Wing, that he doesn't want to take sole credit for this easy-to-listen-to-or-dance-to piano album. He did a low Continental bow in the direction of Maurice Vander, a French piano associate who helps bring out the full effect from another keyboard; and twin drummers – Kenny Clarke, another transplanted Yank and jazz immortal; and Gallic counterpart Baptist Reilles, and never overlooking Emmanuel Soudieux, bass.

St. Louis Blues Boogie
Deho Boogie
Forster's Blues
Ham Boogie
Boogie-Woogie Prayer
Cow Cow Boogie
Pine Top's Boogie
Night Train
Undecided Boogie
After Hours
An Answer To My Prayer

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