Saturday, March 9, 2024

Altura Do Sol (High Sun) - Paul Horn



Altura Do Sol (High Sun)
Paul Horn
Produced by Ted Macero for VIP (Vancouver Island Productions Ltd.)
Recorded at Columbia Recording Studios, N.Y.
Recording Engineer: Stan Tonkel
Editing Engineer: Russ Payne
Design: Ed Lee
Cover Art: Carol Wald
Photo: Baron Wolman
Epic PE 34231 

From Billboard - October 9, 1976: The music of Brazilian Egbert Gismonit, who also plays on the LP, is the thematic constant of this LP. Horn concentrates on flute and captures the sometimes haunting, sometimes muscular essence of this very Brazilian and very jazzy music. Gismonti is by no means merely a bossa nova latecomer. His music can be as unearthly as the classical compositions of Vila-Lobos or a fast-flying as any jazz heroics. Horn Seems perfectly attuned to each of the composer's moods and the production of veteran Two Macero recalls his great albums with Miles Davis and the big band of Gil Evans as they explored music of Spain and other exotic sources.

Danca Das Cabecas (Head Dance)
Bodas De Prata (Silve Wedding)
Altura Do Sol (High Sun)
Quarup (Worship Ceremony)
Parque Laje (A Park In Rio)

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