Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Montagu Three Recorded in The After Deck Bar


Coconut Woman

The Montagu Three
Actually Recorded In The After Deck Bar
The Montagu Beach Hotel
Nassau In The Bahamas
Carib LP 2014

From the back cover: Take another look at the front cover of this album and you'll see one of the main reasons why this is a thoroughly enjoyable record. Those happy smiles weren't put on just for the camera. They are present all the time the boys are playing. The Montagu Three have fun playing and their happy mood comes through in the music making it lively and merry. 

When Carib first heard their joyous sound, it was immediately decided to record it. To add the "island flavor" of this recording, Carib had the outstanding bongo drummer of the West Indies, "Peanuts" Taylor, bring his wonderful talent to this performance. 

The present engagement of the Montagu Three marks their first appearance as a combination and credit must go to the Montagu Beach Hotel for bringing the boys together, engaging them and encouraging them. The Montagu has always been known for its policy of featuring native talent. It was, in fact, the first hotel in Nassau to employ native entertainment and since then has "talent scouted" a number of times with happy results such as those appearing in this album. And, speaking of talent, each of the trio has a talent that comes naturally. All were born in the sunny Bahamas of musical families and nourished on island music in true minstrel fashion. Take Martin Conliffe, the leader, for instance. His father, an accomplished cornet player had Martin playing scales at the tender age of six so the he was well on his way when he started his formal musical education on the piano at eight. Today, Martin writes music and makes all his own orchestral arrangements. Listen to his piano medley in this album and see if you don't agree with our enthusiastic endorsement of his ability. Everett Hendfield inherited his talent on the bass fiddle from his father, a well-know bass man in the islands. Patrick Rolle, the vocalist, comes from a family that loves to sing. His enunciation is outstanding. Every  word he sings is clearly inderstood by the audience.

So come along to the After Deck Bar at the Outage. And, in this romantic room witch is the replica of the main cabin of a British sailing ship of the 1800's, let the Montagu Three take you on a musical voyage of the islands.

Coconut Woman
Delia Gone
Island Woman
Calypso Medley (Little Nassau / Bahama Mama)
Malady D'Amour
The Sand And The Sea
Piano Medley (Temptation / Granada)
John B. Sail
La Mer

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