Monday, February 5, 2024

Swingin' In The Ol' Corral - The Dave Pell Octet


South Of The Border

Swingin' In The Ol' Corral
The Dave Pell Octet
Photo: Dave Pell
RCA Victor LPM-1394

Tenor Sax - Dave Pell
Trumpet - Don Fagerquist
Bassoon and Baritone Sax - Marty Berman
Trombonium and Trombone - Ray Sims
Guitar - Tommy Tedesco 
Piano - Buddy Clark
Drums - Frank Capp
Supervison - Shorty Rogers

From the back cover: A bunch of the boys were hangin' around the bunkhouse one short, lazy Saturday afternoon, not doing much more than friendly conjecturin' about the sniping off of Shorty Rogers' beard. It was a subject that wasn't even about to get past the dice table, when suddenly seven shots sounded from the vicinity of the southwest corral. And into the sackshed of the Pell Mell Rancho Grande charged Dangerous Davey Pell, sittin' like a peacock astride his trustful horse Maynard. Frankly, it was one of those days when Davey wasn't doing much dismounting, for the night before some culprit had dobbed his saddle with enamel.

Anyhow, Davey looked keenly around, fixed his eye like a hawk on one certain no-good cowhand and said: "Boys, if I never get another idea – well, then I never get another idea." Everyone applauded, and "grandfather" was freely handed about. "Come, men, there's some fancy ropin' to do," shouted Davey, 'cause a sharp-headed cahoot from the KHJ Radio Ranch has the notion that we should apply a certain swingin' treatment to a bunch of old dogs that have been loafing in these parts for lo on to twenty years." With a single explosive crack of the whip, Pell and his playmates were racing full tilt for high adventure on the musical Sierras.

Swingin' In The Ol' Corral or "I'll Be Hanged If They Don't Hang Me First" actually owes its existence to a disc jockey named Jack Warner, who has the fine habit of more than occasionally spinning jazz recordings on his several KHJ programs. The Dave Pell Octet happens to be one of his favorite groups, and so it was dave to whom he turned when it occurred to him to present a sterling galaxy of Western tunes in a jazz format. Pell seized on this one, like a small lad going after a licorice stick, and in due time Swingin' In The Ol' Corral was strictly fact. And the fact of the matter is that here is an album of great joy and rare good humor.

It would be grossly unfair to single out any one of the Pell Eight for special instrumental kudos. for this is entirely a group affair, and the warmth and fun of it come from the enthusiastic contributions of each man. However, lofty praise must be heaped on the various arranger, for if they had not hit the ball just exactly right, this album might easily have gone zinging down the Colorado River instead of turning into the wonderful jazz jamboree that it is. The arrangers and the tunes they transformed are:

Shorty Rogers - I'm AN Old Cowhand and I'll Be Hanged
Med Flory - Gal In Calico
Jack Montrose - Empty Saddles and Oklahoma Hills
Bill Holman - Arkansas and Across The Alley From The Alamo
Jerry Fielding - Compton March and Blues and Cool Water
Marty Paich - Wagon Wheels, South Of The Border and My Sombrero

Which is precisely all that needs to be said. The songs certainly are familiar to everyone and are loved by many, the jazz is of a degree and a spirit seldom obtained, and between the two – players and tunes – there exists a rapport that is harmoniously evident from the first note. We firmly believe you'll find much lasting enjoyment in the Dave Pell Octet's presentation of Swingin' In The Ol' Corral.

I'm An Old Cowhand
Gal In Calico
Empty Saddles
Camptown March And Blues
South Of The Border
Wagon Wheels
Across The Alley From The Alamo
My Sombrero
Oklahoma Hills
Cool Water
I'll Be Hanged

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