Thursday, February 29, 2024

Lavalle In Hi-Fi - Paul Lavalle


Buzzards Bacchanale

Lavelle In Hi-Fi
Paul Lavalle
His Woodwinds and His Band
RCA Victor LPM-1516

From the back cover: Here is music with charm and excitement... with imagination and amazing authority... brilliantly etched into superb hi-fi by one of America's great conductors, composers, arrangers and innovators... and a band unique in musical history.

Paul Lavalle's music has been a favorite of American audiences for almost twenty years. Thie well-known and equally well-liked clarinetist and conduct studied at Juilliard and with the renowned Joseph Schillinger, conducted such diverse groups as the Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street and the Stradivari Violins, and herewith introduces his latest creation: a colorful combination of brasses, saxes, woodwinds and percussion that heralds a new era in the field of band music. With it he take full advantage of the scope afforded by the most modern of high fidelity reproduction with an alluring exhibit of extended, imaginative, mellow and often modern voicings.

For example, Lavalle and his men display great spirit, as in the opening Clarinet Polka with its fourteen unison clarinets; surprisingly modern harmonies in Buzzards Bacchanale, an original by Paul and Al Bass; mellow blending of trombones and French horns in Dream Of Love; fascinating, contrasting woodwinds in Jockey On A Carousel; a dextrous display of deep-toned unison by Joe Tart and Harvey Phillips in When Yuba Plays The Rumba On The Tuba.

And there is even more on the second side – delicacy, charm, romantic blending, imagination, wit and superb modern mass sounds. All of this comes to you, reproduced faithfully and brilliantly in this dazzling display of high fidelity sound by the ingenious Paul Lavalle and his exciting new band! 

Clarinet Polka
The Breeze And I
Buzzards Bacchanale
Dream Of Love (Paraphrase on "Liebestram")
Jocky On A Carousel
When Yuba Plays The Rumba On The Tuba
Tumblin' Tumbleweeds
Sophisticated Sophomore
Where Or When
It Ain't Necessarily So
The Whistler And His Dog

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