Thursday, February 29, 2024

But Oh! Those Italian Melodies - George Feyer


Quando, Quando, Quando

(I like To Play French Songs The Best)
But Oh! Those Italian Melodies
George Feyer at The Piano
Cover Photo: Hal Buksbaum / Decca Photograph Studio
Decca Records DL4411

From the back cover: George Feyer is like a great chef who, though using the same basic ingredients as other artists, produces a singularly tasteful triumph. There's no recipe for this kind of artistry; the master chef and the talented Mr. Feyer both – quite literally – play it by ear.

Having learned this, a new offering from George Feyer will surely bring joy to his legion of fans – and win him countless others. As a follow-up to his last enthusiastically-received album, this one boasts a rather lengthy title. But it promises – and delivers – another feast for the ears. In short, having launched our pianistic cook's tour in France, he continues the continental cuisine: only this time, the music has a zesty Italiano flavor.

This ability to completely capture the essence of another nation's music – yet color it with the added warmth of your individual touch – is rare. George Feyer owes it, in part, to a richly varied European background that began in his Hungarian homeland. And contributing importantly, too, is his thorough early training in classical music; it enables him to bring a unique mastery of the keyboard to every song.

But the surest evidence of that is right here in Mr. Feyer's latest album. Sunny Italy springs to glowing life in each of these melodic favorites... the infectious rhythms of Anna.. the nostalgia of Torna A Surriento (Come Back To Sorrento), and Arrivederci Roma... the lilting invitation to sing-along, so irresistible in Volare, Funiculi Funicula or Cirbiribin. You savor the romance and charmingly sentimental qualities of the Italian scene with Come Prima, Romantic, and Summertime In Venice.

Taking George Feyer at his word, we should believe that he still loves to play French songs best. But, oh, what wonderful things he does with those Italian melodies!

Quando, Quando, Quando
Arrivederci, Roma
Ciao Ciao Bambina
Volare (Nel Blu Dipinto Bi Blu)
Al Di La 
Come Prima
La Dolce Vita
Come Back To Sorrento
Anema E Core
Summertime In Venice
Medley: Funiculi Funicula / O Solo Mio

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